Observing Awareness

What leads to a peaceful life begins and ends in the present moment. You can have awareness you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there… When a practice that allows awareness is in place it’s to allow the present moment to be experienced. Being aware of what’s actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it or pushing it away and applying a label to what’s happening is what will dictate the amount of peace there is in your life. Life is magical in its essence, but there’s nothing magical in one becoming aware of this. All roads that lead to a peaceful life begin and end in the present moment and an awareness practice will assist in this. Take a step and simply be aware of it, now take another, this is also an anchor as is the breath to the present. One cannot be aware of something in the past or future because it doesn’t exist. You can be aware that you’re thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step or breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more you become aware of this, the more anchored you become of the body being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for straws in the story of what’s going on between your ears. Be aware of reading this and then observe what arises, just be with it, no pulling or pushing, just observe what’s happening. It’s in this space of awareness that you will find peace and this is because in this space peace is the only thing there…

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