There are many worldly attractions that are based in the human senses which constantly arise to pull you in, and they will pull you in as long as you are in this human form; how deep the pulls hold depends on your conditioning. Even with knowing what I know about the Conditioned Mind there is still the pull of the human senses that catch me at times. Fortunately the mallet was put away a long time ago that was used to beat myself up over doing something that my own mind tells me to do; this is because of awareness aware of awareness. If you think you’re going to get to a state where being human is totally transcended that’s wishful thinking and it’s also your pull. If you do get there, wherever there is, please share it with us, but we won’t hold our breath and attach to your pull.
Human form should be embraced as it is, not as it is thought it needs to be. This is not an excuse to just go around succumbing to a selfish pull whenever desires arise, but to awaken to the awareness that this is even happening is a miracle in itself. It seems sex and food are two things that have a deep pull to the senses associated with them and it’s why there are so many diets and so much pornography out there; it’s also why both of these are billion dollar industries. Diets and sex sell because it pulls at the most human sense level. Food and sex are not to be loathed because few will have the ability not to be pulled in by them. To me you can only be aware of the selfish pull associated with these as they are reached for to fulfill some inner sense pleasure. This inner sense pleasure is at the core of being human and it needs constant fulfillment in some way. Awareness of this won’t stop you from being pulled in as the world is based in exploiting human senses, but at times it may stop you from being pulled in which allows the control of the human senses to dissipate somewhat…

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