The choice to hold onto something and make it a nemesis is the cause of suffering, but there really isn’t a choice because of the way the Conditioned Mind controls. Suffering is inevitable because of the way the Conditioned Mind makes everything a nemesis. If this is to change you will have to make room in your heart so your nemesis is replaced by first stillness and then love. There’s no way around this, make whatever you want a nemesis, but understand when it passes something else will have to replace it. Today it’s the lockdown and Covid 19, tomorrow it’s a co worker, the president, traffic, or something else; this will never change until there is room in your heart for love. If you hold onto a person and loathe them, you are blocking the space for a loving heart, this is strong language, but it’s true.
Love of the heart can only be without any conditioning. The Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see this, it prefers to create a nemesis. I can say I have love for all beings, what I don’t love is the conditioning in place. I understand it and I choose not to create a nemesis and feed into its nonsense. To hold onto things is to suffer regardless of who or what you are holding on to because it becomes your nemesis. Until this is understood you become your own nemesis; the very thing you show disdain towards. This is truth; you cannot be separate from the energy that comes from you. Stop creating a nemesis by holding on and make room in your heart for love because if you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by creating nemesis after nemesis of what you are holding onto…

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