Even though a thought pops into your head, that doesn’t mean it’s associated with reality. It may be associated with what is thought to be reality, but upon further investigation it’s probably just a made up story providing you with some comfort of the way you think things should be. Don’t we use the story of helping others in this way, it’s really used to pat ourselves on the back because we make up the story that helping others is good, and we get comfort out of anything labeled as good. God is used in this way to provide comfort, nothing more; like there’s really some entity that cares about what you do. All these made up stories block reality from being seen. Reality as it is with love needs no story, if a story is being used to formulate what reality is thought to be; I guarantee you it’s not reality, it’s only a story.
Reality is not something to know. It can’t be defined with words because it’s only seen when the mind is settled. When you judge someone regardless of what they do, you are applying a version of reality of how you think they should be acting. This is the same with life situations, and these judgements are only there to provide yourself with the comfort of the way you think things should be. Life and people are always as it is and until it’s seen to just be with the way things are instead of always wanting comfort, reality will never be experienced. Thus your made up version of reality will continue its control and unfortunately so will the suffering this causes…

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