Understanding the different thoughts that arise and seeing why some are defended and some are just let go of has immense value in learning to truly live life. You will want to develop some sort of discipline that’s going to assist you in differentiating what thoughts are beneficial. The ego is the I Self and when it feels threatened it will defend itself with whatever tools it has developed. These tools aren’t only used to defend itself against others, they’re also used to defend itself against itself. They’re the only reason a person reaches for something and it’s strictly because the I Self defends itself from a threat that comes from within. This I Self is the cause of every addiction and of all conflicts, without it you still exist, just not in the way that it seems.
When you can see the truth that the I Srlf (ego) is its own adversary, when a threat presents itself there will be no need to defend it because it will be seen you are only defending yourself from yourself. There’s no suppressing this nor anything else that arises because suppressing or pushing away is an action that deepens the I Self control. To me awareness of an this is the beginning of the I Self relinquishing its grip. In acknowledging it’s there control dissipates somewhat, this happens when the energy of attachment is taken away. Never deny what’s there, just be aware of it and watch it dissolve on its own. The I Self (ego) lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the I Self no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considers itself its adversary…

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