If you don’t think the Conditioned Mind is for real that’s your right, but that denial is simply part of the conditioning. Whatever keeps you attached to “I” is conditioning. If the conditioning wasn’t there attachment wouldn’t be there; this is something that’s real regardless if it’s realized or not. Mostly when it’s pointed out by someone it’s denied, but that doesn’t mean its not true. You will only see what has been revealed, but the Conditioned Mind shouldn’t be denied just because its not seen; denial is part of the conditioning . ”I” will not reveal the subtleness of itself unless there is quietness between your ears. Deny this, disagree with it, adamantly say it isn’t so, or who is this guy that thinks he knows me, but understand this is all part of the conditioning. Stop all the dialog going on in the head and the conditioning will possibly be seen, or not and have “I” remain at the controls.
“I” is all that stands in the way to a life that is happy, joyous, and free. If you don’t think so it’s “I” who doesn’t think so. Argue with this if you want, but it’s “I” who is arguing. There’s no argument from me here because there’s no “I” trying to prove this is right. All I’m saying is before this is pushed aside it should be investigated. I’m just stating what is seen. If this can be read and not attached to, you are free. If not, the conditioned “I” is in control. It’s not complicated, but it’s very difficult to not allow “I” to control your thoughts. Thoughts have no power until there is attachment to them, but there can’t be attachment to them unless there’s an ”I” to do so. In the space between your thoughts “I” doesn’t exist and in this space there is peace, but it’s not because “I” doesn’t exist, it’s because in this space “I” isn’t being attached to by the Conditioned Mind…

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