Everyone has the potential to break free from the state of unconsciousness, but it’s not something that will just occur. For me I got to a point where there was no other place to look but within. Although I don’t profess to be an expert on this, I know it takes willingness to change deep rooted ideas that have been in place probably since the beginning of time, maybe even before, but nobody is keeping records of this. Breaking these conditioned patterns will take perseverance and the resolve not to give in to “I” and live from the purity of love; there has to be willingness to do so. For me I don’t always do what I want to do because I still at times revert to “I” conditioned patterns, but I never give in because that would mean the suffering that once consumed my very being would return and I’m not ready to allow that to happen.
This is not out of reach, it’s very practical. Change occurs when the conditioning in place changes; you can only reap the potential of the seed planted. The issue is most never get this because the seed planted blocks it from being seen. Stop making up a story about what you think life is about and start living it in the completeness of right now. Reaching your potential doesn’t require knowing more, it doesn’t require being more loving, or getting to a certain place. It does require never giving in to “I” and simply understanding you are already in the state of your full potential because you have manifested into the form that’s being occupied right now, and simply being alive is all there truly is…

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