I was vacationing in Florida recently and when it was time to go home there was a reflection to keep my head where my feet were. To me this is a very important because the mind goes to places where only the mind can go. You can be sitting on a couch or taking a shower and your mind will be everywhere except where your feet are. The mind is constantly going to a place that only exist in your head and although it may be a stored memory, it isn’t what’s occurring right now so you aren’t truly living life. Yes there is the physical existence and everyone who is alive experiences this, but just physically existing without awareness means you have a wandering mind and are in the fog of your conditioning. Watch the wandering mind as it bounces from place to place except where your feet are.
The point of this is to show how you may always be physically where your feet are, but if you’re not aware of this your mind will most likely be somewhere else. This isn’t a good or bad thing, it just doesn’t allow you to live life as it happens. When your mind is somewhere other than where your body is, most of life is missed. The breath is used to stop the wandering mind because it anchors you in the body. When this occurs you’re physically and mentally in harmony with life as it’s happening. In this place of harmony (the mind and feet connection) you’ll be more aware of the gift of life; the fog of your conditioning will fall away and probably for one of the few times in your life you will truly be living…

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