A friend shared a story about a cat he had as a pet once. It seemed the cat actually liked this person, he would hold the cat and it would fall asleep in his arms. It would lick his hand and take food from it. One day as the cat was eating out of a bowl, this person took the food away before the cat was finished, the cat bit and scratched his hand, so much for liking the individual lol. The cat was conscious and also aware his food was being taken away, but it ended there. There was no conscious awareness of who was actually taking the food, his food was being taken away and he didn’t like it. This is how many humans react to situations, they like people as long as they don’t take away what they like.
For one to get beyond this mindset, there must be conscious awareness of it. This is where humans differ. Other species don’t have this ability to be truly consciously aware, if you look around it would seem most humans don’t have this ability either. What will have to transpire at some point in your life for this to change is truly being conscious of being aware; noticing what arises when what is liked is taken away or just naturally changes. This is key if one isn’t going to be drawn into labeling what’s changing. Suffering comes from not being consciously aware of what’s changing, by being controlled by what is liked. When you are consciously aware of what arises there’s simply awareness of it, but not attachment to it; thus you are free. What you like will still be taken away at times, but with being consciously aware maybe you won’t bite or scratch when it happens…

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