Everything reached for is a coping mechanism that you have been conditioned to use, and although using different things will produce different outcomes, the core of all reaching is the same, it arises from the incompleteness you have of yourself. This incompleteness is what causes one to constantly need to seek, but this incompleteness isn’t real. The Conditioned Mind makes you believe it is and so there is the ensuing behavior to fill this need. The Conditioned Mind says, Hey, you are incomplete and you need to reach for something to fill it and according to what conditioning you have in place determines what you reach for; sit and ponder this.
Until this incompleteness is understood and the diabolical Conditioned Mind is seen for what it truly is, suffering will remain because you will always have a need to reach for something to fulfill the arisen desire for completeness. When this seeking is the driving force of your existence, it will keep the mind in a constant state of agitation. This cannot be seen by a mind that’s locked in a state of incompleteness, only a quiet mind state will be aware of this. The reason why anything is reached for is because one thinks there’s a need for the present moment to be different; this is the great lie of the Conditioned Mind. You can only do what your conditioning in place allows and unless you wake up to see what this conditioning is, it will remain in place and incompleteness seeking will be the driving force of your life…

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