Over the course of time our human conditioning has evolved to the point where we objectify and have perceptual input. That is why humans see the manifested universe as if it had things in it that are separate and are labeled as objects. In the center of this is our core “I” which is interpreted by the brain as self. In truth there is no such thing as a personal identity. Identity is method that is used to keep track of people. A personal identity exists only as an assumption, a concept and idea; simple a thought which is labeled. Experiencing the world as a labeled place and seeing it as if there were separate things in it is where one creates their own bondage.
When the human brain gets a glimpse of awareness aware of awareness, a tiny temporary window opens where one gets a fleeting glimpse of its own wonder and majesty. In a few of these objectifying brains there occurs a shift in perspective that allows one to see through the bondage of self which its own brain creates. This allows one to remain in what amounts to the space of seeing the shared dream of separation and knowing that its just that, a dream and all other things are also being dreamt. When this happens the attachment to an imagined personality and an ever present fear of impending doom loses its hold. The brain simple hovers in the joy and awe of awareness being aware of being aware. To me this is all that nirvana, being at one with the Spirit, or enlightenment really is. This all what the great mystics Jesus, Buddha, Ramana, and Nisargadatta, to name a few, saw and experienced. Their brains had simply become rewired to see that in the manifested universe of objects which included themselves, everything is an illusion and there is never separation.

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