Why most people have to hit a bottom before there is significant change in their life is because of the way our selfish nature has evolved. This seems to be a common denominator amongst us which doesn’t allow the heart to open to see the true nature of love. There isn’t a story of what one thinks love is, true love arises from the depths of our heart and is unconditional. Most people don’t really know what love is because it’s always centered around some attachment to a conditioned story; true love needs no story. I know many who speak of love for their own children, but what about all those children who die everyday and aren’t given a second thought, that’s even if they’re given a first thought.
Unconditional love has no me, my, or I attached to it, as a matter of fact it has nothing attached to it and until the conditional story stops, suffering continues as the default setting of one’s mind. Unfortunately love is given a lot of lip service in our society, but not much heart service. You can’t pick and choose who to love, either you love all or you love none. There’s no such thing as only loving some; matter of fact it’s impossible to truly love only some. A true transformation of the spirit occurs when there’s no where else to turn, the danger in this is many transform not in this world. I don’t profess to understand how the Universe works, but I do know what happened to me and that’s what I share. Although I had to hit rock bottom to wake up, it’s my passion to assist others in the waking process who are tired of suffering and want to wake up to the love of their own heart.

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