Tonight my heart aches. Don’t think for a moment that when one wakes from the sleep of unconsciousness life is all roses. I have never felt more compassion and love in my heart for others than I have for the last ten years, but there is so much suffering in place that it actually makes my heart ache. I know we all get caught up in our social media world and we like to talk about love, god, kindness and all the stuff that sounds good, but the reality is there is so much suffering occurring right now caused by people. I watched a movie yesterday based on a true story about human trafficking and I actually teared up. What humans do to other human is truly mind boggling. I’m not really sure where this is going, but this movie had an impact on me. Those who are truly awake will feel the deep suffering of the world, not in the way of attachment, but arising from the root of compassion.
Drugs, porn, human trafficking, murder, rape, war, abuse, politics, and so many other things are the reality of the world we live in, at least in the sense that these delusions are attached to. I’m only writing this because it’s what arose in my heart and it aches. To me these things can’t be ignored because of the suffering they cause. More and more the awareness of the deeply engrained selfishness of humanity is becoming apparent to me and this literally makes my heart ache. This does not take me from my peace, but what it does is it allows me to let go of the pettiness that’s so easy to get caught up in. There is much suffering in our world going on right now, when one awakens their head is taken out of the sand and they truly see what’s going on. This awareness allows for the peace that passes all understanding, but what needs to be understood is that humanity is destroying itself and although when this is seen one may be awake, seeing this makes the heart ache.

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