The subtlness of the Conditioned Mind leave most unaware of what’s really going on in their life. Some of things that are given importance have no relevance at all, and things that are pushed aside keep the Conditioned Mind energy in place. It’s very difficult to not get pulled into the unconscious distractions of the world. They are presented in many forms and your individual conditioning is what determines what you will be attracted to. There is so much unconsciousness and unawareness of the distractions in place that it’s blindly accepted to be the normal energy of existence, but if one is fortunate enough to actually see this their entire existence changes. The main thing that has to be seen is how the distraction take you away from the present moment. Nothing happens outside of your head and feet connection, but the Conditioned Mind creates distractions that make you believe it does. The distraction are so subtle and unless the mind is very still they will control your life.
What these distractions make you believe is they are needed. It’s not seen how they hold you prisoner to your own conditioning. Look at this for yourself, from allowing traffic to control you, to the weather, politics, sex, eating, and whatever else is used, the distractions are simply in place to take you from the present moment which takes you from your true essence. Every distraction is a story and every story embeds the conditioning deeper in the subconscious. When the distractions are seen as distractions, it’s then that their true nature is revealed and when it is, one can see that they’re in place strictly to use whatever is available to keep the Conditioned Mind energy in control. Liberation will follow when the next distraction arises and one can simply turn away from its enticing lure.

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