The root of all struggles are deeply ingrained at the unconscious level. They’re rooted in the structure of how you think. If this isn’t investigated beyond the unconscious level view, nothing will ever change…
Changing the unconscious level mind structure is like turning a ship. The intention to turn happens right away, but the turn itself is very gradual. It’s as though we know we need to start turning right away, but we don’t see beyond the unconscious level. Here’s a simple suggestion if you want to get in touch with breaking free of this ingrained unconscious level structure; it’s not that complicated. When you do something, investigate what the unconscious level viewer sees. No reason to go back and look for a traumatic incident, why it’s seen only from the unconscious level is sufficient.
If the need to reach for something happens because life throws you a curve ball, and you don’t investigate why the reaching arose, you’ll probably use an unconscious level distraction and succumb to it. By doing this you’ll never be free because you’ll never get in touch with why the unconscious level viewer is in place. Investigating why you’re an unconscious level viewer is the most important thing you can do for yourself when some behavior is done that’s not in your best interest. If you don’t, you will just substitute one thing for another and in the process remain trapped to what’s causing the need to reach. You may not like this post and you may even ignore it, but don’t be surprised when the next life curve ball comes and you find yourself reaching for something from the unconscious level, you just won’t know why because you’re only seeing it as an unconscious level viewer…

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