Blind Spots Uncovered

A quiet mind gains insight by allowing one’s blind spots to be uncovered. This inner space of quietness is where all truth awaits to be revealed, but only when quietness is the focus…

A true understanding of life cannot be uncovered by doing. There are many highly intelligent people who never understand life. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with intelligence, but you become what you focus on. For me, insights came from the revelation that the cause of why I struggled so much with life was because I was focused on a non-beneficial view (selfish). Now the focus isn’t so much on a made up beneficial view, but more so on not being focused on the view that caused my struggles. This is what a quiet mind affords a person, it has nothing to do with intelligence. Choose any view that’s wanted, but understand the view in place is what you focus on and it’s what will manifest as life; blind spots cause the struggle.

Focus on quietness and insights will be revealed, but only when your blind spots are uncovered; this is how life ceases to be a struggle. Use whatever portal that works to get quiet and focus on that. The mind will settle more and more into a state of quietness that allows insights to be revealed. Becoming truly insightful isn’t for a select few, it’s available to anyone. It takes an understanding that quietness has nothing to do with intellect, that it’s something which occurs as a result of your focus on the inner space within. You can only become quiet when that’s the focus, not to the point where it’s a doing, but to the point where it’s what’s there because that’s the focus. To me, insights are revealed when your blind spots are uncovered which will occur when quietness is the focus…

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