Anchored in Awareness

When there’s awareness aware of awareness, you’re anchored in awareness so you don’t give in to what comes from a selfish mind; this allows for a view from the heart instead of the head…

Being anchored in selfishness is very different than what is seen from being anchored in awareness; a selfish anchored mind has a different focal point than one that is awareness anchored. Everything going on today in the world is because of a selfish anchored mind; you cannot hate in the space of being anchored in awareness. Although awareness will give in to the world at times, it’s how lessons are learned. There’s an understanding from being anchored in awareness that the Conditioned Mind can’t grasp. The mind sees what it’s conditioned to see, awareness arises from the space of the present moment where conditioning is limited.

Being anchored in awareness doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone, what it equates to is a clear path that has been revealed to you. Awareness aware of awareness is difficult to see because of all the selfish anchored distractions in place. These selfish distractions keep you trapped to the conditioning that something is needed outside of you. Need, need, need, awareness doesn’t need, it realizes its divinity as it is. When you’re aware of awareness, you become the seer instead of the reactor. I had a selfish anchored mind for forty nine years, even today the old selfishness resurfaces, but because of awareness there’s less attachment to the selfish anchors; this naturally allows awareness to arise. When your life is anchored in awareness, it makes for a much different existence than living from the made up stories to fulfill selfish desires…

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