When you can truly be present for change, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth allows freedom. Today can be the day that resisting change doesn’t hold you in the past…
Although most change is resisted, the reason why is because it’s not understood that resisting it keeps you in the past. If you liked donuts you wouldn’t want to eat them every single day at every meal. Change will happen, but resisting it doesn’t have to be. Make this the day that change doesn’t isn’t resisted. See it as the opening of a door that gets you unstuck from the complacency of what’s familiar. Let’s face it nobody really changes unless they’re forced to. The mind loves the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t the most beneficial choice. I see it all the time in the responses to my post. All my post do is provide another perspective, but many times they’re just discounted for the view a person has in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand the Conditioned Mind so when something new is presented, the resistance to it rears its ugly head; as it’s discounted you remain locked in past conditioning.
Resisting change will happen consciously or unconsciously, but what’s not grasped is although the mind is conditioned to hold onto the familiar, change is needed to grow. For years I was stuck in resistive familiar conditioning that didn’t allow change to take place. Even when it looked as though change did happen, it was only on the surface level. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade. Inner change is a transformation and can’t be measured. When one can truly be present for change, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth allows freedom…

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