A greater reality cannot be understood by a mind that has been conditioned to make the world fit nicely into a limited box of space and time…
The limited box of space and time is our so called comfort zone. The more we stay in this box, which is the world of thought, the more we limit ourselves to a base of Self (our ego). It isn’t that we truly understand everything when our mind becomes quiet, but we stop questioning the external and start looking within which allows us to truly live our life the way it was intended; as the loving beings that we are. This allows for the shift from a self-serving existence to one of love. This doesn’t mean we get answers to the great secrets of the Universe, what we get is an understanding of our Conditioned Mind and how it was developed.
Once the Conditioned Mind is understood, there’s awareness of what blocks love from being the default setting of your mind. With this awareness you’ll learn to control a mind that has been out of control for most of your life. When you have this control, which manifest as quietness, there won’t be a need for answers because you’ll see the greater reality of your questions providing all the answers that you need…

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