Form reliance creates a prison to a self that blocks love from being the guiding energy of daily living. And although one may be alive, to be without love is to be without life…
Form reliance creates a prison to the material world of self. How controlling this is determines the degree that your reliance has a hold on you; make no mistake, form reliance is form reliance regardless of what is used. Alcohol or drugs are only different than soda because of their devastating consequences. Form is form, no matter what’s used it keeps you in prison. I’d like to address something much more subtle than some substance or object and that is the form reliance of your own mind which is the real prison.
A substance or object can hold you in captivity, but it’s the mind that puts you in the place of form reliance. Without the mind telling you form reliance is needed, reliance on anything would be non existent. The subtleness of this form reliance is literally mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings, if the snooze button is hit, instantly the mind makes the self (form) want the moment to be in some other way. If this mind set isn’t altered to bring about awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a mind that’s been conditioned to satisfy a form reliance self.
This takes on many forms: talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they are all form reliance solutions of the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal problem of lack. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this will probably go on to the day that form is near death. If this happens you will see how most of your life was never truly experienced in the way that it could have been. This may not seem as devastating as say using alcohol or drugs, but it is because either way life is experienced from a form reliance perspective and is never truly lived…

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