Mystique of the Moment

The mystique of the moment is unique unto itself. It just doesn’t seem that way because the mystique sounds of the moment aren’t truly heard, what’s heard is the noise of what’s going on between your ears…

Just be aware of what arises from the silence and how it just as quickly returns to the silence. Don’t label it as anything, just watch it arise and dissipate. Don’t attach to it, just watch. A sound arises now it’s there and then it sinks into the incoming moment. The same thing with a sensation, watch it arise. Be with it and watch how it returns from whence it came. Imagine you’re on the beach, just sitting listening to the sound of a wave arising from the silence, breaking on the shore and then it’s gone. Occasionally the sound of a seagull will arise as will people passing by and talking. The lifeguards blowing their whistles, the sound arises and returns to the silence. A helicopter passes by, sound after sound arising and returning from whence it came. These sounds are stored in our subconscious and given labels, breaking wave, seagull, talking, helicopter, whistle and so on, but they all arise from the silence known as the mystique of the moment; they can only arise from here.

These mystique moments become our memories, but the moment when something arises never really happens again. Because we label everything it seems as though history repeats itself, but it doesn’t really, it only seems that way because of the attachment and label given to it; once a moment passes it’s gone forever. Why our behaviors are repeated over and over is because of attachment, but the mystique of the moment is unique unto itself without attachment. It just doesn’t seem that way because the mystique sounds of the moment aren’t truly heard, what’s heard is the noise of what’s going on between your ears…

Spontaneous Reaching

Don’t let the consequences of spontaneous reaching lull you into an unconscious state. All spontaneous reaching have consequences (attachment) regardless of what’s reached for…

If you’re always spontaneously reaching for something it’s because you don’t think what you have is enough. And if you don’t think you have enough, there will always be something to spontaneously reach for. Spontaneous reaching isn’t something that’s inherently a bad thing, why one reaches spontaneously is where issues arise; this is because one thinks something is missing. What is spontaneously reached for only matters to the degree in how the thing affects your life. To drink alcohol spontaneously in access has consequences much different than the impulse to go to a program to stop using those things. But the spontaneous reaching is the same and that’s what needs to be examined. Don’t let the different consequences of spontaneous reaching lull you into unconsciousness because all reaching leads to bondage in one form or another, and as stated this includes all impulses.

You might say that’s not true, being spontaneous to better yourself is a good thing, but that would mean you need things to be different to accept yourself. Accepting life exactly how it is in my experience, is the only place one will experience the peace of not needing to spontaneously reach to have things different. I’m not saying don’t better yourself, but if it’s at the expense of your peace of mind, where’s the benefit. I say go for the gold, just understand even if it’s attained you will find it’s not providing the benefits you thought it would; shortly afterwards more gold will be spontaneously reached for. Investigate this and see how spontaneous reaching arises from desire, and desire causes bondage (attachment) which causes suffering. Break free from the spontaneous reaching of desiring things different and you will inevitably stop suffering…

Constant Puzzle Solving

Because of the way one becomes conditioned, life is seen as if it’s filled with puzzles to solve, and because of this one is constantly working on solving puzzles…

The issue with having to constantly arrange life as if it’s a puzzle is it’s made up, and even if your story of a puzzle is solved, the mind makes up a new puzzle almost immediately. Life is continuous, it’s broken up into segments (puzzles) by a mind that’s in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn’t true, you would see your puzzles don’t exist so you wouldn’t constantly need to solve them. It isn’t because of anything right or wrong that makes you see things in this way, it’s because the mind has been programmed to do instead of be, so it‘s only doing what it was programmed to do.

The Conditioned Mind sees puzzles all over the place. The shortest line in the supermarket, traffic, diets, to do list, politics, and so on. All this manipulating is strictly done to solve another puzzle which one thinks will make life perfect. Let’s say everyday there’s a new problem to solve, for me that would mean in sixty six years roughly 24,000 puzzles were solved, all for the purpose of constantly having life the way I thought it should be. After all, nobody purposely gets in the longest line at the supermarket, but if you did nothing would really change except for maybe not having to constantly solve a puzzle to make life complete…

Love Flowing Energy

Love flows as behavior and can be measured by the way people are treated. It’s difficult, maybe even impossible to act selfishly or self-serving when your flowing energy is based in love…

Although there was love all around me growing up I never understood it. I didn’t know how to love myself or others. I would always behave in ways that was destructive to me and to those around me. Most of this was learned, although it just seemed like it was from within myself. The problem with this is if I didn’t act it ways that showed love to myself there wasn’t any way I going to show love to others. Unfortunately without love flowing energy it makes it very difficult to live a life that’s meaningful.

It’s often said that love is the true nature of life, but that doesn’t mean it will be the flowing energy of every life. Look at what some people are doing today. Ask their victims family if love is their true nature. Most people have a certain degree of selfishness in them, but only a few have it to the degree that it manifest as evil. In the past I was very selfish so most of the decisions I made were to satisfy myself. It’s not this way today because I learned the valuable lesson of what it means to not only love myself, but to love my neighbor as well; I truly don’t want to hurt anyone today. Love energy flows as behavior and it can be measured by the way people are treated. It’s hard to act selfishly or self-serving if your life is based in love flowing energy…

Thinking Prison

If you sit you’ll develop discipline so you can watch your thinking come and go. Eventually there will be more and more space between it. It’s in this space that you’ll see the thinking prison held in the mind…

With the emergence of the social media, there’s so much information available on the mind that it really needs to be investigated before you consider what to use to assist in your development. To see if the thinking you’re using to develop discipline is beneficial, there can’t be anything associated with it that forms attachment. Methods, programs, guru’s, life coaches, teachers, or any other form that’s used to keep you attached just keeps you in prison to the very thing you are trying to break free of. Just as there’s a lot of “fake news” out there today, there’s also a lot of fake information on the mind. Attachment is something that’s not truly understood by many people, and so most of the thinking out there keeps you in a prison in some way. Those telling you to buy their book, pay for retreats run by paid speakers, or follow (instant attachment) a program are clever to a fault, with the fault being keeping you in prison.

The only thing needed to do is look within so a millisecond of space is created between your thinking. Once this occurs and there’s awareness of it, slowly there will be more and more space; it takes nothing but awareness to create this space. The thinking prison that someone’s program, book, method or whatever has your answer will keep you attached to what you’re trying to break free from. I know people defend their so called guru or people they follow adamantly, but it’s only because there’s no awareness of the thinking prison they’re in. Sit often and just watch the thinking come and go. Eventually there will be more and more space between it. It’s in this space that you see all the thinking you’re attached to and the prison it puts you in…

Loneliness of Ego

When the mind settles, the need to reach for something lessens. In the process the loneliness of ego disappears and it’s simply because an “I” story of ego isn’t being created…

The loneliness of ego seems to get wider as one ages, but it doesn’t really, what happens is there are just less distractions so “I” takes more of a hold. The natural process of life seems to be to stay busy trying to figure things out, and regardless of what exactly the figuring out manifest as, it certainly creates a lot of distractions. There are periods in between the busyness where a person has some idle time and probably feels the loneliness of ego, but it doesn’t usually last very long because the busyness of trying to figure out life returns. This busyness last most of one’s life, but there does come a time that the natural process of being busy lessens. At this stage many people experience a loneliness that hasn’t been noticed before so it will either be addressed by looking inward or one will get busy again trying to figure out how to fill the gap.

Eventually the busyness will end for whatever reason, but unfortunately for most people without the busyness the loneliness of ego rears its ugly head. Many elderly people struggle to fill this ego, but it’s so difficult because there just isn’t a lot going on. Kids are grown, retirement, house paid off, more time behind you than what’s left, and the list goes on. I was this way for many years, using ego distraction after distraction. There were very brief periods of not needing to reach, but these periods were far and few in between. That is until fifteenth years ago when I hit an emotional bottom. I began sitting and simply looking inward which allowed me to see the distractions of my ego “I” needing to attach to a story. As sitting became part of my life, my mind settled and thus the ego needing to reach for something lessened. In the process the loneliness of ego disappeared and it was simply because an “I” story wasn’t being created…

Blinded Logic

Anytime something is done that’s not beneficial, it’s blinded logic that makes it so. You can say “I shouldn’t have done that” but you can only do what your blinded logic tells you…

It’s not always easy to see life as a gift, there are reasons for this. It’s not to deny that sometimes unpleasant or horrific things happen, but who labels the thing unpleasant and who does the unpleasantness happen to? Although the human form does exist, it doesn’t exist in the way that it appears. It’s blinded logic that puts a label on things so it makes sense. The blinded logic has to have an answer for everything and if it doesn’t, it will go searching until it either blindly finds one or blindly makes one up. Life isn’t about having all the answers, or even needing all the answers, but the way the mind has been blinded, that’s exactly what it makes it all about. Attaining, accomplishing, achieving, all to satisfy a mind that is never satisfied; no wonder the world is as it is.

Life is continuous, the mind has been blinded to make up all kinds of nonsense to avoid seeing this. It uses time to make you believe life needs to be broken up into segments; what time is really needed for is to simply keep track of things. The Here and Now is where life always occurs no matter what time it is or what’s going on, but understand as you’re in one of these blinded segments waiting for this or that to occur, the blinded logic makes it seem as though life is incomplete, like life is passing you by.

Life can never be any more complete then it is right now, except to a mind that has been blinded to be everywhere except here. Although the blinded mind makes you think you have developed a logical mind, there really isn’t any logic to it; until this is understood the blinded mind controls the show. Think of this, anytime you do something that isn’t beneficial to you, your blinded logic is making you do it. This is something that needs to be realized if you’re to truly live life, and not wait for it to be perfect to enjoy the temporary gift of life that we all have been blessed with…

Anchor of Love

When love is the anchor of what you do with your life, whatever you do will be of love. The energy of love is derived from the same mind as hate; what you make your anchor determines your energy…

You will be tied to the things that anchor you in your life, the more anchored you are to something, the more it will be your life’s energy; how you live your life depends on what your anchor is. Your life is in your hands, it’s not dependent on some deity in the sky. It’s not dependent on money, social status, job, sexual preference, marital status, or any other status. The only thing that determines how you live is what your anchor is. It’s not so much the importance that is put on the task, but why the tasks is being done. Visualize what you think is important to you, now sit with it as not being so, you will see that regardless of what it is life will go on without it, no matter what it is or how important you think it is.

We all are tied to the things that we think are so important. You can do the same task as someone, but the reason why it’s being done makes the same task different, regardless of the task. If the task is from the base of love and that’s what you’re anchored in, you will be in alignment with life. If the same task is done, but with the aim of it being to satisfy some inner desire, even if the task is successful it will not put you in alignment with life; soon a new task will be needed. When you’re anchored in things that put you in alignment with Universal Love, you will never have another need because you’ll have an anchor of love as your number one priority. When your life is lived and anchored in Universal Love, it’s the most important thing you can do for yourself and more importantly for all beings. When love becomes your anchor and it becomes the most important thing that you do with your life, whatever you do with your life will be of love and nothing else will really matter…

Impact of Speech

Speech has a lot of impact on the way you perceive yourself. The speech that’s chosen can reinforce the lies of the Conditioned Mind if there isn’t awareness of it…

The energy in one’s life would be so much different if the word have was substituted with the word want. Think about it, how we speak has much more influence on our life than most people are aware of. Just try this little exercise and see how different a sentence is when want is substituted for have. I have to get up for work, or I want to get up for work. I have to go to the food store or I want to go to the food store. One more, I have to go to the gym or I want to go to the gym. The same action is being done, but its meaning is so different when want is substituted for have. The burden of having to do something is lifted when one wants to do something.

My speech is something I’m pretty cognizant of, it’s one of the reason I often say “When you start a sentence with “I“ stop because not much good is going to come out of it. This is one of the reasons I don’t attend 12 Step meetings any longer because at many of them you have to introduce yourself by stating I am this or that. To me this energy keeps people in the energy of the problem, not in the energy of the solution.

Words have a lot of impact on the way one perceives themselves and they will unconsciously reinforce the lies of the Conditioned Mind if there isn’t awareness of what words are used. Energy always is and where it’s directed is what your life becomes. Here’s one more example, I want to help others. This is a lot different than saying I have to help others, although helping others is always a good thing. When you want to help others as opposed to having to do it, it truly comes from a heart of love. Using the most beneficial words takes practice, developing awareness of the controlling energy of your life also takes practice. So watch what is said and how it is said and maybe instead of having to do something, you just may want to do it. Not because your “I” wants to, but because it’s the loving direction of the energy in place…

Inner Intuitiveness

Formed concepts keep you in a conditioned cell. This blocks seeing that in the stillness of non-judgement there’s no lock on the cell, there’s only the inner intuitiveness that non-judgement reveals…

Inner intuitiveness can only be sensed when it’s viewed from a non-judgement perspective. Judgements do nothing to enhance life. Life happens without judgement Actually judgements limit you from seeing your inner intuitiveness because it makes life conceptual, and in your formed concepts are your limits. This is how it is with most things that exist in life, they don’t need need to be judged. In the case of life itself, it gets all it needs from the Universe. It doesn’t think about how it can enhance itself, this is a natural process. It’s like this with everything, but it’s only seen once conceptual living begins to slow. Judgements don’t enhance anything, there’s usefulness in categorizing things, but this doesn’t enhance whatever’s being judged.

This is why it’s said “In stillness all truth is revealed” because when the mind is free of conceptual judgements, there’s an understanding of things that’s very difficult to explain with words. It’s the reason I often write “It is seen as it is seen” in response to some people who post on my articles. It’s because no matter how much I try to convince someone to see what I see, it’s almost impossible; almost. Because of the conditioning in place people have a hard time with someone possibly knowing more than them, so they close down and miss the inner intuitiveness of what’s really happening. As with all of life you will know truth when it‘s seen there’s existence without needing to judge it. Our formed concepts keep us in a conditioned cell. This blocks out seeing that in the stillness of non-judgement there’s no lock on the cell, there’s only the inner intuitiveness that non-judgement reveals…

Programmed Thinking

If a person is ever going to be different, the thinking in place will have to be different. This will only happen when it’s seen the current thought process isn’t providing loving results…

Certain thinking develops certain results, and it will do just that whether you want it to or not; results have to happen because of how it’s developed. The mind gets programmed this way and unless the programming is different, the original thinking will remain. It’s imperative to understand this so first the thinking in place can be identified and second it can be seen that it may not be serving you in the most beneficial way. Non-beneficial thinking controlled my life for many years and it was mostly of the self-serving nature. After a long period of time (forty nine years to be exact), I realized my thinking wasn’t really benefitting me or anyone else for that matter. This realization is the beginning stages for the possibility of the thinking to be different. This will take some effort because of how ingrained it is, but the effort is more of about awareness than an actual exertion.

Once one becomes aware there may be a different way to think, the process of creating different thinking begins. This is difficult because the old thinking wants to hold onto the familiar even if it isn’t providing much of a benefit. It’s how the dog chasing its tail syndrome remains in place; even at the point of its own destruction. The way one thinks is influenced by many things, some inner, some outer. This is why when a person acts in a particular way, they‘re more accountable than responsible for what they do. If a person is ever going to be different, the thinking in place will have to be different. This will only happen when it’s seen the thinking in place, although doing what it’s programmed to do isn’t providing loving results…

Slanted View

Accepting everything as it is seems like a very tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a slanted view (wanting things different) and in the process cause your own suffering…

Nothing stays the same so it’s not the changes that occur in life that throw you for a loop, it’s the slanted view that things will always be a certain way, this is what makes change much more difficult to accept. If everything could be accepted as it is, you would never be thrown for a loop because the slanted view that tells you things should remain as they are wouldn’t occur. Accepting everything as it is seems like a very tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a slanted view and in the process cause your own suffering…

For one to get beyond their slanted view, it has to be understood that it’s your own mind that’s causing it. Life is what’s seen through the way it’s created and it’s created through how it’s viewed. Why a view is considered slanted is because of how the mind reacts when changes occur and it isn’t accepted. This view keeps the mind closed to the conditioning that sees things slanted; if this conditioning isn’t changed nor will the slanted view change. It’s not that a certain view needs to be implemented, all that’s needed is to be aware of the slanted thinking. Awareness is key in change because it allows for acceptance, and when the world can be accepted as it is, good, bad, or indifferent, just maybe one can view life in a way that’s not slanted…

Inner Stress

Although it seems what occurs in life is the cause of one’s inner stress, this is not the case. The inner stress that arises is already in place, if it wasn’t there’s no way it would be there…

One can only react to life with what‘s in place. Something like anger arises because it’s been learned, this also goes for fear, greed, hate, and so on. I was constantly controlled by these for years; without this understanding it kept me locked into my inner stress without an inkling that the only reason it was occurring was because it was in place. Simply put, when something occurred that I didn’t like whether it was what someone said or did, or something that happened, my inner stress arose without my permission or knowledge as to why I reacted as I did. What arose was whatever my conditioning deemed appropriate. The only reason this happened is because it was already there laying in wait: like a lion waiting to pounce on its unsuspecting prey.

Understanding this is where there’s power in knowledge. If why inner stress arises isn’t understood, there will be very little true periods where stress is not in control. Through awareness of what’s arising, one has something tangible to use to get beyond it. Why most people remain as they are and repeat the same reactions over and over is because of the unawareness of why it happens. To me this knowledge has immense value because when it’s seen one can truly decipher whether what’s in place is beneficial or not. That’s when a course of action can be developed to change whatever’s in place that’s causing the inner stress to rear its ugly head…

Plan Plans Not Results

Don’t put all your efforts in results because the Universe has a way of taking care of things its way which isn’t always the way that it’s planned…

It was pretty funny, the day my view of life shifted and I began writing. I had to go to work that night which just put things in their proper perspective. It’s not that I wasn’t excited about what was happening in my life, but I had to be careful not to confuse my wanted results with what was actually happening. Dream dreams, but leave the results to the energy that has more wisdom to put your plans on a plain that will probably be better for you than what your own plans are. You can call this energy God or whatever you want, but understand things will work out the way that they work out.

Put all your effort in your dreams and do whatever it is you need to do to make what you want to happen come true, just don’t put your all your effort in the result because the Universe has a way of taking care of things and it isn’t always the way that you’ve planned. When you plan plans instead of results, whatever the results it will probably be because of your plans, but it won’t necessarily be the way that you want it, but it will be the way that it is…

An Empty Closet

Fear doesn’t live in the closet, fear lives strictly inside your head, and until the mind settles so you can look inside your head, you’re always going to fear what’s in the closet…

Fear doesn’t live in the closet, it lives inside your head. My entire life was driven by the made up fear in my head that my mind created through the way I was conditioned. The mind is nothing but energy, but the content of the way it’s conditioned determines whether fear is created. Sometimes angels are created, but they’re still made up. Kind of like whistling in the dark to keep away the boogie man or in this case fear. As long as the need to whistle is there, fear will never go away.

The fear that’s inside your head and creates fear of what’s in the closet, is a lie; all you have to do is open the closet door to expose this lie. The conditioning tells you to not open the door so the lie along with the fear remains in place. This can be changed for angels and you would think it’s better to have them living in the closet, but although angels have a better reputation, they too are a created lie.

This is where the simplicity of life steps in if you can just understand fear only lives inside your head. There is nothing in your head except the story of what your conditioning creates. This is what takes the simplicity out of life and makes it difficult. Why this creates difficulties is because life is lived as a story of what’s in your head instead of the simple fact that nothing is inside the closet…

Hear What Life Has to Say

There’s no way you will ever fully understand life so answers are made up. Only in the space of silence can you hear what life has to say without making up answers…

Hearing what life has to say as it occurs allows for harmony, it’s in this space that what’s not of the mind can arise; thoughts actually block this hearing. The silence is always there, but it’s not always heard because of the noise between the ears. Most people are programmed to live visually without taking much time to truly hear what life has to say. This visual living is why you get pulled around by the outer view because hearing the silence underneath the visual hasn’t been developed. There’s no way you can fully understand life conceptually so answers are made up; only in the space of silence can you hear what life is saying. Develop a meditation where you just sit with the sounds of the moment, add nothing take nothing away, just sit, listen and you will hear what arises. 

Hearing life’s moments is so different than being controlled by the visual view. This is because through the visual, a label of like or dislike is instantly applied and attachment follows. This is the point where the visual gains control. As this occurs, hearing what life has to say is missed. This is the beginning of how stories are created, it’s because the space of each moment will be filled with something; it will either be a story or silence. Learning to hear what occurs in each moment is a skill few develop. Until it becomes the primary way life is viewed, the visual will continue to keep you in bondage as the outer control doesn’t allow you to hear what life has to say…

Distorted Minded View

There’s not much life in a distorted minded view. What happens with a distorted view is one’s love flowing energy is cut off which causes everyone to suffer…

A distorted minded view is what causes one to get locked into only seeing things from the side of suffering. It matters little what that distortion is, as it’s the rigidness of being in a distorted mode that doesn’t allow love flowing energy. The is what happens when a story is created and it becomes the distorted view of what life is about in any particular moment. This becomes deeply ingrained as one becomes emotionally tied to whatever the distorted view is focused on. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without attaching to it and it being distorted.

To me, being distorted minded is the normal view of many people and it’s why many suffer unnecessarily. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the suffering it’s causing. Unfortunately those in the midst of this distorted view cannot see it. Nor can one pull themselves out of it until the distorted minded view is seen as the cause of suffering. The distorted view doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment, and since attachment is the root of suffering, suffering is inevitable. The tighter the grip of something the more one becomes distorted minded and the less love flowing energy there is in one’s life. There’s not much life in a distorted minded view because what happens is one’s love flowing energy is cut off; this view always causes suffering…

Resisting Change

When you can truly be present for change, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth allows freedom. Today can be the day that resisting change doesn’t hold you in the past…

Although most change is resisted, the reason why is because it’s not understood that resisting it keeps you in the past. If you liked donuts you wouldn’t want to eat them every single day at every meal. Change will happen, but resisting it doesn’t have to be. Make this the day that change doesn’t isn’t resisted. See it as the opening of a door that gets you unstuck from the complacency of what’s familiar. Let’s face it nobody really changes unless they’re forced to. The mind loves the familiar, even if the familiar isn’t the most beneficial choice. I see it all the time in the responses to my post. All my post do is provide another perspective, but many times they’re just discounted for the view a person has in place. I lived a conditioned existence for many years so I know what I’m talking about. Not many people truly understand the Conditioned Mind so when something new is presented, the resistance to it rears its ugly head; as it’s discounted you remain locked in past conditioning.

Resisting change will happen consciously or unconsciously, but what’s not grasped is although the mind is conditioned to hold onto the familiar, change is needed to grow. For years I was stuck in resistive familiar conditioning that didn’t allow change to take place. Even when it looked as though change did happen, it was only on the surface level. Surface change is a society measurement and it’s mostly a facade. Inner change is a transformation and can’t be measured. When one can truly be present for change, all resistance falls away because it’s understood change provides growth and growth allows freedom…

Unconsciously Controlled

Thoughts will arise, but they don’t have to unconsciously control you. If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts, they will have control over you and will unconsciously lead you…

If there isn’t awareness of your thoughts, there won’t be anyway of knowing how they control you and how you’re unconsciously led by them. Without this awareness you’ll be distracted and taken on a distracted ride. Not that life does anything directly to anyone, but thoughts do arise and they determine what kind of ride you will be on. Awareness of your arisen thoughts is essential if you’re not going to be distracted by them. Thoughts are a natural part of life, they will arise. To me there’s no way of controlling the thoughts that arise, but I have found that awareness of them allows for some space that can be used to determine whether or not the unconscious thought leads you; remember it’s the unconscious attachment to a thought that causes suffering not the thought itself.

The Conditioned Mind is cunning. Unless there’s some awareness of how much you’re being led by your unconscious thoughts, they will and this has to happen, lead you around as if you were a puppet on a string. So subtle is this that even if you’re doing things that are labeled as good, if these thoughts aren’t watched, they will eventually control you; remember control is control regardless of what label is applied to the thought. This is why the Conditioned Mind is cunning because of its subtleness in using whatever it can to unconsciously control you. Thoughts will arise, but you don’t have to be controlled by them. If there isn’t awareness of this, your thoughts will be unconscious and you will automatically be controlled by them…

Form Reliance

Form reliance creates a prison to a self that blocks love from being the guiding energy of daily living. And although one may be alive, to be without love is to be without life…

Form reliance creates a prison to the material world of self. How controlling this is determines the degree that your reliance has a hold on you; make no mistake, form reliance is form reliance regardless of what is used. Alcohol or drugs are only different than soda because of their devastating consequences. Form is form, no matter what’s used it keeps you in prison. I’d like to address something much more subtle than some substance or object and that is the form reliance of your own mind which is the real prison. 

A substance or object can hold you in captivity, but it’s the mind that puts you in the place of form reliance. Without the mind telling you form reliance is needed, reliance on anything would be non existent. The subtleness of this form reliance is literally mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings, if the snooze button is hit, instantly the mind makes the self (form) want the moment to be in some other way. If this mind set isn’t altered to bring about awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a mind that’s been conditioned to satisfy a form reliance self.

This takes on many forms: talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they are all form reliance solutions of the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal problem of lack. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this will probably go on to the day that form is near death. If this happens you will see how most of your life was never truly experienced in the way that it could have been. This may not seem as devastating as say using alcohol or drugs, but it is because either way life is experienced from a form reliance perspective and is never truly lived…

Repeated Labels

Repeated labels keep you attached to a world where there’s very little freedom because there’s no room for truth. If you want freedom, the repeated labels will have to go…

The more you repeat labeling something, the more those labels are in control. It’s difficult to experience the openness of something if it’s already decided how it is. To remain open one needs to limit their repeated labels. This is essential if there’s to be alignment with the Universe and be free from the repeated labeling process. Repeated labels will need to be let go of if there’s to be freedom; this hold is very subtle. Even the label on whether you like this post or not will keep you in the same place. This post can resonate with you without labeling it, but labels seem to make the world go round. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing, but that’s just a label.

I lived an existence that was based in repeated labels for most of my life. This caused much conflict; wars are started over repeated labels. If you’re really honest with yourself you’ll see that every disagreement you ever had was caused by being attached to a repeated label about something. I’m not saying you shouldn’t stand up for truth, but truly knowing about something and repeatedly labeling it are totally different.

There is a place of no labels, if it’s not understood you’ll never become label free, and you’ll remain in an existence of repeated labels. When this is the place lived from there’s very little freedom. When you can just be with life as it unfolds and not repeatedly label it as this or that, you’ll be on the verge of truly experiencing life, label free. When you’re not applying a repeated label to everything, there’s freedom to be with life as it is without being stuck in the same place…

Pulling Nothing In

Regardless of what happens in life, if it’s pulled in it will cause suffering. Even if what’s occurring initially causes suffering, the suffering will deepen the more something is pulled in…

Everything has its place because it’s what’s there so to say this or that shouldn’t be happening leads to suffering because the moment is being pulled in. This isn’t to say everything that happens is suppose to happen, but what does happen is what’s there and there’s no changing it. The results of what happens can be changed, but not initially. That is unless one is coming from a different place than what was previously known. This may change the initial results, but they are still the results of what’s occurring now. So much energy is wasted on pulling in what has occurred and why it’s wasted energy is because the unchangeable is trying to be changed.

When you get to a place where something labeled good, bad, or indifferent isn’t pulled in, this is a place of freedom. Nothing should be pulled in. I know this is difficult to imagine and this isn’t to say to not take action to change things, but what has occurred still has be accepted so the action to change something purely comes from love and compassion and not from the ego. Even someone who is totally unconscious and causes much harm to others shouldn’t be pulled in either because it’s the conditioning in place that makes one do what they do; one is still accountable for their actions. Use this example; If you hit a slice in golf, pulling in that you hit a slice doesn’t change that fact, just move on, learn from it and just maybe your next shot won’t be a slice,. Even if it is, don’t pull it in and move on. Nothing has to be pulled in unless that’s what you have in place…

Beneficial Energy

Everyone has the responsibility to make the world a better place by looking at the energy that’s in control of their life. Self-absorbing energy doesn’t benefit anyone, but love-absorbing energy benefits our entire human family…

Although in 1987 I stopped using certain substances as a developed solution to cope with life, many of my inner conflicts persisted because I didn’t understand the true nature of my malady. I had no knowledge whatsoever, as to why I constantly reached outside myself for a solution, and why these solutions were developed. I found this reaching was caused by the need to fulfill a self created inner sense of lack; a lack I didn’t even know was there. In the book “It’s Monday Only in Your Mind” it’s explained what causes this, and why anything has to be reached for in the first place. Also described is a path that leads to the discovery of inner truth. A truth that leads to the freedom from this lack. I’ve learned as human beings we are really in conflict with ourselves and we don’t understand where these conflicts originate from.

I discovered it’s my own mind, which has been conditioned to constantly think about self that made me look for answers out there somewhere. This is the root cause of our conflicts. It’s a mind that leads one around like a puppet on a string. I have found through self investigation a practical gateway to freedom that anyone can learn. There’s a reason the world’s in the condition it’s in. We all need to pull together to become aware of this and share the love in our hearts. We are the change the world needs, but it will only occur when it’s understood that our love for others has to come first. Everyone has the responsibility to make the world a better place by looking at the energy that’s in control of their life. If it’s self-absorbing energy, it will not benefit anyone, but if it’s love-absorbing energy, it will benefit our entire human family. After all, it’s the world we all share…

Channel of Love

Life can only truly be experienced through the channeled energy of love and that’s if the channel of your own love is in place. If it’s not it has to be found out why this isn’t so in order for it to be changed…

When someone awakens it’s to the channeled love in their own heart; this is the love of creation. As this is experienced, it becomes the channel one experiences the world through. If everyone knew their own mind and how it’s only through the way one is conditioned that it doesn’t allow a person to channel their own magnificence, they would do what’s necessary to change this. This conditioning is not the direct fault of anyone, but it doesn’t have to remain in place because it can be changed. One can channel the world from the love within their own heart, but this can only occur by understanding yourself. When you know your own heart you do what’s necessary to remove the blocks that don’t allow you to channel the world through love.

The world can be channeled through your own heart of love when love is in place. If it’s not, it has to be found out why this isn’t so in order for it to be changed. Love is the power of the entire Universal and we are a direct result of its power. Every human starts out as the same form; when conditions are right the Universe channels one form of energy into another. This has nothing to do with the individual human form, it does however have everything to do with the transformation of spiritual energy that allows one to channel their own love and thus experience the world through the channel of that love…

A Greater Reality

A greater reality cannot be understood by a mind that has been conditioned to make the world fit nicely into a limited box of space and time…

The limited box of space and time is our so called comfort zone. The more we stay in this box, which is the world of thought, the more we limit ourselves to a base of Self (our ego). It isn’t that we truly understand everything when our mind becomes quiet, but we stop questioning the external and start looking within which allows us to truly live our life the way it was intended; as the loving beings that we are. This allows for the shift from a self-serving existence to one of love. This doesn’t mean we get answers to the great secrets of the Universe, what we get is an understanding of our Conditioned Mind and how it was developed.

Once the Conditioned Mind is understood, there’s awareness of what blocks love from being the default setting of your mind. With this awareness you’ll learn to control a mind that has been out of control for most of your life. When you have this control, which manifest as quietness, there won’t be a need for answers because you’ll see the greater reality of your questions providing all the answers that you need…