Spirit energy is enough because in this energy we are one, and since Spirit energy is love we are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because we are already all that we can become…
A benefit that you’ll acquire by understanding what the practice of quieting the squirrel cage mind does is instead of striving to become, you’ll be guided by the Creative Intelligence of the Universe (Spirit energy) and be in harmony with life. You will realize you are complete just as you are and nothing added can make you more complete. This is priceless because when this is experienced there’s understanding the difference between being and doing, and you will stop doing for the purpose of trying to be. Right now, even though it may not be known, you are already all that you can be.
At the base of this understanding is Spirit energy or Universal Love because that is who you are. Nothing more can be added that would make you be something more. Even if you found the cure for cancer, it wouldn’t be enough unless it was derived from the Spirit energy of love, but it wouldn’t be the cure that would be enough, it would be the love behind finding the cure. Love is enough, only the self-serving mind needs something more in the form of an object, but it’s not really needed, it’s only the ego that makes life into a belief something is needed. A belief isn’t real, it’s only a story made up by a self-serving mind that needs to become something. There aren’t any facts to a belief, but what is factual is Love; a belief or a story isn’t.
Simple realize you are who you are, it’s who you have always been and who you will always be. This is not a belief or a story, this is a fact. You cannot be anything but who you are, if you want to believe you’re a story that is who you will make yourself out to be, but it’s not who you are, it’s only your story. When this is understood there is peace because you stop striving to be something different. This is when the striving to become ceases and love is enough, it’s because you realize love is who you are. Spirit energy is enough because in this energy we are one, and since Spirit energy is love we are love. Nothing needs to be added to be enough because we are already all that we can become…

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