You will intuitively know truth when your tools are ones that benefits all beings. You will know you’re developing these beneficial tools when you notice you care more for others than you do for yourself…
Although knowing is very important, the issue lies in how it becomes known. I do not profess to understand spirituality. I don’t know God. I have never seen or been answered by God, not directly anyway. I don’t know how the Universe functions nor is it a concern of mine. What I have found is the very simple tool of sitting that allows me to live intuitively in the present moment more and more. When I live intuitively in the present moment the nonsense of my Conditioned Mind is not running my life and making the past and future look like a better place to be…
Everyone will either live life intuitively or be controlled by their conditioning. Through self investigation I have found answers to some of life’s eluding questions, but it’s not my quest to save the world. I concentrate on changing me and that’s how my immediate world changes. The song Amazing Grace, says “I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see”. What’s seen are the Conditioned Mind Patterns that control life as if a person is a puppet on a string. What I have found is the tool of sitting allows intuitive awareness of the Conditioned Mind so those puppet strings can be cut…

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