Don’t allow anyone to take you from your quiet. Let them think they’ve won, their satisfaction will be short lived before needing to win again, but a solid foundation of quiet awareness will last a lifetime…
We as humans are all created equal. It’s not that some have weaker minds than others, but some are more aware of themselves and this makes it seem that some have strengths that others don’t possess. The more unaware one is of themselves, the more you will be dragged around by the occurrences that happen in life; quiet awareness is what one awakens to. It’s not an awakening to the great secrets of the Universe, but more so what pulls you from quiet awareness. I would say in my own case one area where I’ve become more aware is in not allowing other people’s actions to pull me from quiet awareness. At times my initial reaction is to get annoyed, but it’s usually realized very quickly that most people know not what they do so to allow their actions to control me is on me. Because all humans come into the world basically the same (unconditioned) it’s the level of conditioning that makes one appear weak or strong, but one is just more aware of their conditioning than another person.
Let the other person think they’ve won, that they’ve gotten the better of you, except to the ego it means nothing; this is how unconscious energy is squashed. This doesn’t change the other person, but it does change you. It stops all the stories associated with the situation which festers as unconsciousness; I’m going to say this to them, or they are wrong, or don’t they know who I am, this is all the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind (ego) and nothing good comes from this energy. So as I said, let the other person think they’ve won, but you will know in your heart what the truth is because by remaining in your place of quiet and not giving in to the Conditioned Mind nonsense. After all one can only be taken from their place of quiet when it’s allowed and it only occurs when the ego is in control…

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