The more controlled you are by a destructive thought, the more destructive the action will be. The destructive actions are determined by the hold the attached thought has over you…
The problem with thoughts isn’t when you’re busy, although they’re still randomly arising non stop, but because of the busyness there isn’t much focus on them. Problems arise when you’re doing the daily mundane tasks that don’t take much focus. In this state of semi idleness if there’s unawareness of this, when a thought arises there’s nothing to distract you from becoming attached to it because the mind has no focus; this opens the door for destructive actions to occur.
Here is an example of a thought process, you’re at home relaxing feeling all is well, all of a sudden a thought pops in that you want to have a glass of wine, substitute the wine with something more suited to your conditioning. At this point if there’s awareness, the thought will be allowed to pass through, but if there isn’t look out because the destructive action begins. First a past pleasure is brought into the present, then the Conditioned Mind makes you attach to the pleasure. Now there’s an impulse to reach for something (in this case a glass of wine) this puts actions into place and once the bottle of wine is opened and consumed destructive consequences follow.
There wouldn’t be much of a consequence from consuming one glass of wine, but often time it turns into a bottle. The more controlled you are by a thought the more destructive the anctions are. Because so much of the thought process is to provide pleasure there’s nothing this pleasure seeking (which is the bondage of self) can’t make worse; this understanding is imperative if you’re to be free from destructive actions. It needs to be understood that it’s your own Conditioned Mind that creates your destructive actions. Why this is such an issue is because this leads to the belief these destructive actions are the best solution life has to offer. Without awareness of this and with no tools in place to prevent it, tragically there’s not much focus given to the destructive actions of your thoughts…

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