Human traps are endless, but understand the traps come from your own mind. Even though the Conditioned Mind provides the triggers, it’s because of the attachment to being human is why there are traps…
If you’re practicing living a spiritual life, but you don’t know your own mind, it’s like wanting to lose weight, but not reducing the amount you eat; your results will be non existent. If you don’t notice the human traps the whole point of any practice will be missed. This is because the trap of being human reaches for things outside which makes looking inward difficult. There are so many things in place that prevent looking inward from happening; if it doesn’t happen you’ll remain in bondage to your human traps. The traps aren’t real because when there’s even the slightest opening to allow what’s within to be seen, the expansion beyond the human traps begins.
Human traps are very enticing, if they weren’t the percentage of conscious and unconscious beings would be reversed. But it’s not this way because the human traps are in control; these traps are only real because of perception. There’s no denying they’re there, but they’re in control because there’s a fictitious belief the traps are needed. We alone are the creators of this and if one doesn’t have an open mind, the human traps will continue their onslaught of control. Sadly, there’s really no way around this, that is until there’s awareness of the human traps…

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