Most people haven’t a clue how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. Until it’s fully realized, it’s better to be neutral. At least in seeing things from a neutral state, there’s no separation and you remain in harmony with life…
Watch how the Conditioned Mind separates as it always thinks in the context of you, me, them, they, those and of course “I”. It’s not limited to just these, but they are some of the main culprits in our separation from each other. The other day I posted an article and someone posted a response calling me a racists and a sexist. Although I didn’t appreciate it much, there’s a fine line in being with what’s there or allowing there to be separation. There’s separation on one end goes without saying, but by me being the one who knows better, I have to do what’s necessary to stay connected. Not for the other person, but for myself and humanity as a whole. That may sound grandiose, but it isn’t because the energy you put out so goes the world around you.
Me and others in the group went round and round with this person until it got to a point where she started to post lies so it was better to just block her energy. It’s wasn’t that the women agitated me, it was more so just the energy that was being put out that I wanted to stop. Energy changes the world and it also keeps the world the same. The point of this article is to show how easy it is to attach to someone and cause separation and thus suffering. Maybe it’s not so easy to turn the other cheek, but by not attacking back, you are the one who remains in harmony with life; remember you can’t have a riot with one person. It’s always about the conditioning never about the person. In this way of viewing things, the energy put out may not seem loving, but by being neutral it becomes loving. Most have no idea the amount of suffering that Conditioned Mind causes and until it’s fully realized, it’s better to be neutral. At least when seeing things from a neutral state, there’s no separation and you remain in harmony with life…

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