Evil Always Lies

Evil always lies. Until this root is revealed, there will always be lying as truth remains hidden beneath the justification caused by the evil of the liar…

A statement is often made “know the truth and it will set you free” but I say know the evil behind the liar and it will set you free. This is my guide whenever something doesn’t sit well with me. The fact that there’s some form of agitation confirms the evil that’s lying; a liar can’t tell the truth. The liar may justify its lie as it often does because of their evil conditioning. If there’s an attached story to what arises and it’s being held onto, freedom is lost and the evil liar has control. Simply put, if there’s no freedom it’s because there’s no truth. Whatever method is being used, the moment there’s dependency on something, it pretty much guarantees it’s an evil lie and not truth. Truth just is, it doesn’t need a label because it’s never binding, that’s how you will recognize the evil lie.

If you want to understand truth, look at the evil that holds you in captivity. Truth is liberation from the evil of the liar. Many just substitute one lie with another and remain attached to the evil of a lie; although it is thought to be truth. What evil holds you captive makes you a liar so if something has you in its grip and all you do is to exchange one lie (dependency) for another, you are a liar. Programs do this, I know this to be factual. If you need a program to live your life and you’ve become dependent on it, it becomes the lie you have been trying to free yourself from. Dependency is an evil lie no matter what label it’s given. The Conditioned Mind is an evil liar and so subtle that truth is dismissed before it’s even investigated. Evil always lies. Until the root of this evil lying is revealed, truth will remain hidden beneath the justification caused by the evil of the liar…

Conditioned Separation

Most people haven’t a clue how much suffering the Conditioned Mind causes. Until it’s fully realized, it’s better to be neutral. At least in seeing things from a neutral state, there’s no separation and you remain in harmony with life…

Watch how the Conditioned Mind separates as it always thinks in the context of you, me, them, they, those and of course “I”. It’s not limited to just these, but they are some of the main culprits in our separation from each other. The other day I posted an article and someone posted a response calling me a racists and a sexist. Although I didn’t appreciate it much, there’s a fine line in being with what’s there or allowing there to be separation. There’s separation on one end goes without saying, but by me being the one who knows better, I have to do what’s necessary to stay connected. Not for the other person, but for myself and humanity as a whole. That may sound grandiose, but it isn’t because the energy you put out so goes the world around you.

Me and others in the group went round and round with this person until it got to a point where she started to post lies so it was better to just block her energy. It’s wasn’t that the women agitated me, it was more so just the energy that was being put out that I wanted to stop. Energy changes the world and it also keeps the world the same. The point of this article is to show how easy it is to attach to someone and cause separation and thus suffering. Maybe it’s not so easy to turn the other cheek, but by not attacking back, you are the one who remains in harmony with life; remember you can’t have a riot with one person. It’s always about the conditioning never about the person. In this way of viewing things, the energy put out may not seem loving, but by being neutral it becomes loving. Most have no idea the amount of suffering that Conditioned Mind causes and until it’s fully realized, it’s better to be neutral. At least when seeing things from a neutral state, there’s no separation and you remain in harmony with life…

Selfishly Conditioned

When you’re selfishly under the control of a Conditioned Mind, you behave in ways not because it’s the way you want to be, it’s because it’s the way you have been conditioned to be…

It was a lack of understanding of the selfish conditioning that caused me to remain unaware of the control my mind had over me. I wasn’t aware of how my mind was selfishly conditioned to self-serve. The problem with this selfish conditioning is it causes your own demise because destructiveness is disguised as pleasure. This pleasure is pursued by many to their death. It was pursued by me in this way and I was at its mercy. It said to me to use drugs, alcohol, gambling, womanizing, lying, cheating, stealing and so on. This is how the selfish conditioning is reinforced daily by many; there are those who are fortunate to wake up and see this at a young age.

The way I was selfishly conditioned was a direct result of the evil tyrants who are trying to control humanity. It happened directly by the loveless distractions purposely designed to influence my life to mold me to behave in the ways the conditioning dictated. This was not because this is how I wanted to be, but by not understanding this conditioning this is the way I had to be. You cannot behave in any other way except in the way you have been selfishly conditioned; it’s why there’s a necessity for humanity to wake up. Change the selfishness and change your entire existence, or not and remain controlled. The value of not being selfish is in the understanding there’s nowhere else to turn but inward; not to God, support groups, therapy, self help books, positive thinking, and so on. What I learned is when this selfish conditioning is understood it’s no longer in control. I also learned its control slowly dissipates as awareness is developed; the mind actually slows down. Once this slowing occurs, the possibilities are endless because the evil distractions that keep you selfishly conditioned are revealed. With this understanding of what you’re truly up against, you’re able to develop the necessary awareness so the selfish conditioning eventually falls away…

Two Directions

A higher direction has to be understood so the bondage of self is truly let go of. When this occurs, your higher self can reach its true potential to be an instrument of love instead of an instrument to satisfy a selfish lower direction…

The are two directions to just about everything in life and although many times only one is seen, in order to go beyond the small self direction the other direction which is if love has to be noticed. This is just about the only way you will be able to go beyond the limited view of a self-serving direction. If your human existence is viewed only from the human direction, the spiritual won’t come into play and life will seem very dull. When you start looking at life from the direction of love which doesn’t require human attachment, another view opens to the beauty of what life has to offer. This beauty manifest in different ways for people, but what it has in common is it comes from the direction of a higher self. We exist in the form where one direction is selfish, the all about me direction. This is a lower direction that doesn’t allow one to reach their true potential. The other direction is of stillness which manifest as love, this is a higher direction which allows the beauty of life to manifest and thus our true potential is maximized.

Learning to understand these two directions will assist in truly letting go of the blocks that keep the lower selfish direction in place. The higher direction is always there to tap into, but if there isn’t alignment it cannot manifest. This isn’t to deny our human side because it’s the form we are in, but attaching to it and making it an end to a means is where the expansion of consciousness ceases. The tighter the grip of the human side the less the higher direction is manifested. This is a Universal Law that has to be understood so the bondage of self is truly let go of. When this occurs, one’s higher self reaches its true potential as you are an instrument of love instead of an instrument to satisfy a selfish lower direction…

Manifested Truth

Truth isn’t something made up to fit nicely into a story of how you think life should be; truth already is and doesn’t need a story to manifest…

Although an awakening is a process of manifesting the awareness of what blocks the heart from love, it will only open and manifest each day by the daily mindfulness and meditation discipline develops. When truth manifests, no longer does the world revolve around your “I” it more so revolves around the “I” of others. Each day must begin with the vision of how you can be a benefit to others. Bring awareness into your day to day existence, although there may be some mishaps because of the conditioned mind. This process is a continuation of manifesting the opening of the heart; with the manifestation of an open heart comes the manifestation of love into your daily life and the life of others.

This manifestation doesn’t take thought, it takes a settled mind. All created stories are only attached thoughts so when you start understanding “I” it’s the beginning of the end of life as it was once known. This will bring you to the realm of the unknown. This realm is not something that can be manifested by thought; thought will only block this. This is the realm of the Spirit where our true nature manifests. It’s where one connects to all of life and feels the sun light of the spirit. It’s our true home, our place of peace that passes all understanding. It’s the manifestation of the truth of existence; at least for those with a settled mind…

Believed Lies

When life is based on lies that manifest as beliefs, it is those beliefs that keep you attached to the lies. And if discipline isn’t developed to expose these lies, they will be the base of your existence…

I’ve learned to use meditation as a way to develop discipline. The question is why was being undisciplined so natural and how come being discipline isn’t? I don’t have an answer, it’s just a question. After sitting periodically, my mind began to settle and I saw real results in how my view of life was becoming different; this wasn’t a doing on my part. I understood why this was occurring and the reason it continues to occur today, discipline has been developed that wasn’t previously there. This is available to anyone who has a willingness to look inward.

My life was based on lies that I believed and those beliefs kept me attached to the lies. These were the tools that were developed to live my life, there came a time when I knew I had to find different tools and my so called quest began. Everything I read pointed inward so I knew where my answers were, I just didn’t know how they were going to manifest. I did know I had to find some way to allow my self-centered mind to settle or my suffering was going to continue.

I began sitting, and as my mind settled I was becoming more aware of the believed lies that arose. This is what was causing me to reach outside myself for satisfaction. Reaching for something was the means used to satisfy these believed lies. There is value in discipline, develop none and you will have none and the undisciplined tools will remain in place along with being controlled by your believed lies. This is what has been occurring in my life the last fifteen years; developed discipline means the believed lies become less and less and as there is less of them there is more discipline to not give in to them. I never had the discipline to not give in to them so I just did what was there. Today what’s there is different so it has manifested as life being different. It‘s by no means a doing on my part, but there is a willingness to develop the discipline to allow this difference to take place because without it the believed lies of an undisciplined mind remain in control…

Collective Energy Pull

There’s so much collective energy in our society that it’s almost impossible to break free. Why it’s so difficult to break a habit is because the habitual thing is always focused on and not the collective energy pull…

The collective energy pulls you along as if you are a puppet on a string, that is unless there’s some awareness this is happening. To me the only thing that allows this awareness to happen is to see your thoughts slowing down enough to where there’s a millisecond of space between them; if space is created the pull of the collective energy lessens. The only thing I’ve found that allows this space is discipline developed by sitting. It’s very important to understand this because people sit for hours with other intentions and the moment they’re finished their thoughts take over again. An understanding of what is being done is beneficial because it allows for a clear direction which keeps the mind open to learn. If everything stays in the head as intellect it’s difficult to break free from the energy the collective emits. The larger the group of the collective energy the harder it is to pull away.

One example of this is from the Bible, the masses grew as the Pharisees publicly persecuted Jesus as more people were pulled into the collective energy to have him crucified. If you research the conquerors of the past, you’ll see just how the collective energy pull works, as their reigns became deeper they expanded their empires as the collective energy pull became deeper. The collective energy pull also includes those trying to help addicts because the addiction is to “I” and the focus is always on the collective substances that addicts and society uses. Until “I” is addressed very few people will ever truly break free from the collective energy pull because space won’t be allowed between your thoughts as the collective energy of “I” remains in control…

Life Intentions

Life has its own intentions. When the mind is quiet enough there’s alignment with it, but this is not to satisfy a self created made up intention, it’s strictly for the betterment of the Universe…

What is done is mostly because the Conditioned Mind tells you what to do. You wake up in the morning and the day begins. You do whatever it is that you do and around sixteen hours later it’s time to go to sleep so you can do it again tomorrow. We say tomorrow, but the reality of life is it’s one continuous journey, there aren’t really any breaks in it. Time, days, years, decades, centuries, are all made up concepts. They’re needed to the extent of establishing some structure in life, but we hold onto them way too much; actually they’re allowed to control life. 

I’m not saying nothing matters, but except for a few not many really know the intent of life and what truly matters. Life intentions are relatively unknown, sure we can make things up and as a species we’re actually very good at it. Life intentions can be made up about helping others, or loving others, raising a family, being kind, awakening to a made up intention, working on this or that, or whatever it is that‘s used to justify existence, but the bottom line is one day just like that and without permission, BANG existence ends. In the blink of an eye it’s over and whatever it is that’s used to make up a life intention is let go of it. So simply be with what is and you’ll be with the life intention of what’s there; no story needed…

Human Traps

Human traps are endless, but understand the traps come from your own mind. Even though the Conditioned Mind provides the triggers, it’s because of the attachment to being human is why there are traps…

If you’re practicing living a spiritual life, but you don’t know your own mind, it’s like wanting to lose weight, but not reducing the amount you eat; your results will be non existent. If you don’t notice the human traps the whole point of any practice will be missed. This is because the trap of being human reaches for things outside which makes looking inward difficult. There are so many things in place that prevent looking inward from happening; if it doesn’t happen you’ll remain in bondage to your human traps. The traps aren’t real because when there’s even the slightest opening to allow what’s within to be seen, the expansion beyond the human traps begins.

Human traps are very enticing, if they weren’t the percentage of conscious and unconscious beings would be reversed. But it’s not this way because the human traps are in control; these traps are only real because of perception. There’s no denying they’re there, but they’re in control because there’s a fictitious belief the traps are needed. We alone are the creators of this and if one doesn’t have an open mind, the human traps will continue their onslaught of control. Sadly, there’s really no way around this, that is until there’s awareness of the human traps…

Circular Energy

If your life energy is circular, most likely you’re being controlled by a conditioned based existence. This is a prison that you will only be released from by going beyond your circular energy…

It’s impossible to be conditioned by circular energy that isn’t created by your own mind. This doesn’t mean without circular energy life will always be as wanted, it just means that regardless of what happens it’s your mind that creates the circular energy. Lots of things happen throughout the day and each time there’s a choice to hold onto it or not. Everyone has the ability within to cease causing their circular energy, it just takes a certain amount of discipline for this to occur. What discipline does is it slows down the circular energy process that runs continuously. This slowing down is the beginning of truth being revealed. Without it the necessary quietness that allows less circular energy will not happen.

If there’s continuous circular energy and no quiet, that’s all there will be and this will not allow the ability to watch the circular energy to unfold. If this isn’t seen, your mind will never slow down and there won’t be any space created. Life will simply be conditioned based and the result of this will create your circular results. When life slows down you’ll see how it’s your own mind that takes something that happens and puts it into a circular category. When you see this, you can break free of the hold your circular energy has over you, and you’ll be able to see that you’re not the circular energy, you’re beyond this…

Truly Useful Tools

If the tools you have in place are truly useful, they’ll allow you to love yourself unconditionally and thus love all beings. The key word here is all…

For many years I did things that I considered useful, but after forty nine years of doing this I found myself at such a low point that wasn’t sure if I was going to rise up. There was no I think I can chants, no positive thinking, no meditation, no loving myself. There was much confusion and despair, and the insanity of this is my own mind that developed these tools and deemed them useful. Now I know not many get to this place of total despair so it’s difficult to understood how low I was, but I will say this, I’m fortunate and I will tell you why. When I was twenty eight years old there were ten men still hanging in a bar in Newark NJ, all of us using alcohol and drugs as useful tools. Out of those ten individuals I’m the only one alive. What’s tragic about this is the tools that each of them accepted as useful to live life were the cause of their deaths. Think about how insane this is and how often this is repeated today; insanity to say the least.

When I look back at what I thought were useful tools to live by, I see nothing but this insanity. I alone although not intentional, caused all my own suffering. Now you may not think this applies to you, but every negative thought one ever has comes from within yourself. It may have been put there by some outer influence, but it was attached to by you and you saw it as useful to give it the energy to manifest. I’m not a big negative/positive person, my experience has been more in line with quietness as the most useful tool to live by, but it wasn’t always this way. To me the question to ask if you can muster the courage to do so is, are you willing to truly face yourself to see if the tools you have in place are truly useful to allow you to love yourself unconditionally and thus love all beings…

Impaired Conditioning

As long as there’s conditioning in place there will be an impaired vision in your life. This impaired conditioning blocks what’s truly going on from being revealed…

Often how things appear to the Conditioned Mind is impaired and blocks what’s actually occurring. If you truly want to see what’s going on, going beyond the impaired conditioning will have to happen. If two people are looking at the same thing there’s usually two sides of what’s seen. There’s also what’s beyond the impaired conditioning, this is truth. It’s the old adage, there’s two sides to every story then there’s the truth. To see what’s beyond the impaired conditioning you only need to stop labeling what is seen. Stopping the labeling process allows the impaired mind to slow to a point where space opens up. It’s imperative for this to happen if the impaired vision that has been formed over the years is to lessen its grip.

Impaired conditioning is misunderstood. How this is known is because of the impaired behavior that’s in place. I look to my own impaired reactions to know this, in the process I can see it in others; this isn’t a judgement, it’s factual. Know your own impaired conditioning and you’ll know the conditioning of others. This is because we are all of the same energy, just not the same conditioning. When your impaired conditioning is seen for what it is, your energy begins to transform in a direction that reveals truth. As long as there‘s unawareness of this, the impaired conditioning remains as the operating energy of life. Conditioned energy arises as impaired visions and takes on many forms. The bottom line is it’s the impaired conditioning in place that doesn’t allow one to see what’s truly going on…

Temporary Form

All form is temporary and the wanted satisfaction associated with whatever is reached for is also temporary. This is the exact reason why one is constantly reaching for something and remains unsatisfied…

Not being satisfied is so subtle and how you will know being unsatisfied is in place is by the need to reach for something. The misunderstanding of the temporary nature of all form is what makes one constantly reach for satisfaction. If it was known the reaching wasn’t going to quench the satisfaction thirst, it most likely wouldn’t be done. You’ll reach for whatever your conditioning deems as needed, and even though it may temporarily quench the thirst, it doesn’t last and hence the reaching commences. When the temporary nature of all things begins to be understood, one becomes aware of the nonsense of reaching. This doesn’t mean the reaching will magically end, but you will start to understand the true nature associated with reaching. If there wasn’t the satisfaction associated with food, dessert, tv, drugs, alcohol, gambling, yoga, meditation, ad infinitum, reaching wouldn’t be done. Everyone who reaches for something assumes there’s going to be some sort of satisfaction derived from it.

Existence is pretty stable as far as life being life, but the events that occur within life are not. There is constant change in everything, but the mind is mostly blind to this because it wants stability (permanence). It defaults to making you believe the next fix will be it, but I guarantee you the next fix only leads to the one after that and so on. It never ends because there’s nothing permanent that allows it to end. Because everything is temporary, the wanted satisfaction associated with whatever is reached for is also temporary. This is the exact reason why one is constantly reaching for something and remains unsatisfied…

Deeply Ingrained Ideas

Most reactions that occur in life are deeply ingrained and are put in place by your own conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential of love it’s your own deeply ingrained ideas that are blocking it from being so…

Although things appear to be a certain way it’s not always as it seems. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when deep ingrained ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes deeply ingrained and is put in storage to be used at particular times; this is how most lives are lived. It’s as though we already have ideas in place on how things are going to be handled; deeply ingrained reactions are formed in this way. They’re all based on putting things in a certain place so deeply ingrained ideas are triggered.

This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, deeply ingrained reactions wouldn’t arise, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living a deeply ingrained conditioned life is to develop some way to be anchored in the present. This is important because the more you’re anchored in the present, the more you’re with what life has to offer. When this occurs there’s peace because the deep ingrained ideas that are put in place by the Conditioned Mind are no longer making you react to things because they need to be in some other way…

Thought Limits

When thoughts are used as the primary means to live by, there will be a limited view because of the minds content. Without thought limitations, the mind settles and the limited view is lifted…

Humans have wars against each other because of the nonsense of their thoughts. Because of this, there’s very little unity with ourselves and with the world. Everyone thinks their thoughts are the right ones which arises from what is heard or what’s read somewhere; all this does is limit the view of life. These thought limits are the only view of reality that’s seen until the mind becomes quiet enough to allow the restricted view to be lifted.

What happens when the mind settles is it allows for a second view of reality to be seen. One is the reality of thought limits, and the other is the unlimited reality of just being with what’s in front of you. Both realities are from the same mind, but there will only be awareness of one until the mind settles. When this settling occurs and you see the reality of a thought limited view, the restrictions of thought limits fall away. It will be at this point that you will go beyond your thought limitations and see the unlimited view of just being with what’s in front of you without the need to think about it…

What's There Success

You don’t need anything made up to be a success. Success isn’t dependent on anything you do or anyone’s approval, success occurs strictly from being with what’s there in front of you…

One day while sitting in quiet I realized that my life has always been a success and it didn’t need anyone’s approval. By focusing on trying to make it successful I was missing its inherent success and the impact I was having on people; any impacted results are because of the Universe not because of me. It’s not the worlds approval that makes life a success, it’s simply being with what’s there in front of you. Not by society’s standard, but by cooperating with the Universal Principle of love. Love is the measurement of what is seen as a successful life, if you don’t think so try living without love and see how successful your life is.

The true purpose of life is to love, that’s the Universe intention and you can only love by being with what’s there in front of you. It’s because being with what’s there is the only place you can be aligned with love. Think about this, failure is a mind made story as is success. There are mind made values to follow, but if you’re being with what’s there in front of you, all you need for life to be a success is already there; you don’t need anything mind made to be successful. Just understand your life is not your success, it isn’t dependent on anything you do or anyone’s approval. It’s a success strictly from being with what’s there in front of you. By being with what’s there in front of you, alignment with the Universe occurs. I love life because of the way life loves me. The way the Universe loves is the love you’ll have in your heart for the Universe. Without Universal Love in your heart there is none. Life isn’t a success because of you, it’s because of the Universe and because this is realized, success already is. Not because of anything mind made, but because of simply being with what’s there in front of you…

Mind Formation

If you don’t take responsibility for the formation of your mind, there are plenty of influences that will do it for you. Whatever is thought about frequently becomes the formation of your mind…

Our minds are more like water than something solid. What happens is sometimes it gets frozen and becomes solid. Also water takes the shape of whatever container it’s in and that’s exactly what happens to an unconscious mind; in this case the container is whatever one attaches to. The key when it comes to the mind is to make sure it’s in a container that’s based in love. Water is influenced by many things, tides, wind, weather, and so on, the mind is also influenced by many things. When there’s awareness of this the mind is somewhat less influenced; it’s totally influenced when there isn’t awareness. The Conditioned Mind will say jump and you will jump, and depending on the conditioning you may even ask how high. If you don’t take responsibility for the formation of your mind there are plenty of influences that will do it for you.

Look at the politics here in the USA. See how individuals have influence over so many unconscious minds, and regardless of who you’re for, it’s been allowed to let them influence the formation of many minds. This now becomes the container for whoever you’re for or against and your mind will attach accordingly. Even though it seems like this was a choice there really wasn’t. The formation of any influence is it should be based in love. Whatever is thought about frequently becomes the formation of the mind; it has to because that’s how it’s conditioned. This article is strictly to be viewed to see how all of this limits you and to possibly allow you to see what container (attachment) is establishing the formation of your mind…

Stable Energy

Although we are one consciousness, when your energy is unstable because of selfish desires, it puts you not only at odds with yourself, but it also makes you unstable with the entire Universe…

We begin our existence totally stable and aligned with Universal energy. In the beginning stages we are basically one with it; there isn’t really much to block this energy. We live mostly fulfilling our instinctual needs, not much true thought going on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned to whatever environment and influences we are exposed to. In other words we start to form our unstable story and this story is what changes our energy. To me this is why Jesus made many references in his teachings to children. Because as a child without the Conditioned Mind being deeply entrenched, your energy remains stable and connected to Universal energy; Jesus called this Father. 

This is why Jesus said “become like little children.” He didn’t say become a doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, a writer or anything else, but if you have the stability of a little child, you can become anything that you please because you will be stable with the Universe. Stable energy is your oneness and it’s what makes you complete regardless of anything that you do. You will attract the things of the energy you live by. You may fool people by being successful according to worldly standards, but the Universe will not nor cannot be fooled as you only receive what the state of your energy is…

Activated Craziness

Stand up for all your beliefs, just don’t attach to them and watch how the activated craziness of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not a part of them…

Many think what happens in life causes their reactions, but what’s not understood is the reactions are already in place, they’re just being activated by what’s occurring. There’s so much conditioning that it keeps people from understanding their own mind, and if you don’t understand your own mind it will control you. I know people don’t think they’re crazy and take offense to being called so, but this is the exact energy that’s being projected out without an inkling of the activated craziness. You may be abruptly responding right now to this by thinking who do I think I am to label someone crazy, I should look at myself, but I do look at myself. That’s where I first discovered just how crazy humanity is, myself included; just watch the news. Anytime anger is activated it causes your own suffering, yet it’s done all the time. That’s only part of it, what’s really crazy is it isn’t truly known why there’s anger. Stories are made up why there is, but that doesn’t mean they’re true.

There are many justified causes for anger, but they’re all just part of the activated craziness; that it’s done without realizing why is why it’s crazy. The list of attachments that are activated and held onto is endless, this is what keeps the craziness in place. Very few will really get what this article is about, it’s easier to say the writer doesn’t know what he’s talking about than to truly look at this. The only way sanity will return and anger won’t be activated is if it’s understood. Look around and see how attachment is the leading cause of all this activated craziness. When you wake up you can pull away from this craziness which remains in control if waking up doesn’t occur. Do whatever it is you believe you need to do, just don’t attach to it and watch how the activated craziness of your thoughts dissipates as you’re simply not part of them…

Unconditional Love

A Mother’s love is special because of the connection she has with her child. This connection is unconditional love beyond what words can describe and it’s a love formed in the womb because mom and the child are one…

A Mother’s love is something that needs no words to describe. It’s a love that’s forever binding regardless of what happens. Watching a mother care for her child is so beautiful and this isn’t limited to humans. Mom loves from instincts, it’s a love that occurs from within. Watching a mother take care of her child is the love that everyone should have for each other. This love is the same love that the Universe has for each and everyone of us. A Mother loves all her children the same as the Universe loves all of us the same. Mom doesn’t see color and never puts conditions on her love, she just loves. If we are to survive as a species we will need to go beyond the limits of the mind and see how to love unconditionally. We’ll need to observe how a Mother loves and mimic that with all humanity.

A Mother’s love never ends. There may be disappointment in her heart at times, but that’s only because she wants what’s best and it’s the love in her heart crying out. Mankind is on a course of self destructing and it’s because of the lack of love in their heart. If it’s not seen how the Universe is our mother and we are all brothers and sisters, our separation will be the end of us. Mom is always there for us as is the Universe, but unfortunately we are given enough rope to hang ourselves and that’s exactly what many do. Watch a Mother give birth and see the light in her eyes, it’s the same light (the stars) the Universe has for all humanity. This light arises because there’s no thought of herself, the child born is just an extension of herself; they are one. Only when we all see each other in the same way will we as a species turn our attention to loving each other unconditionally; seeing the light of oneness in each other’s eyes…

Accept It and Move On

You can only act in ways that are already in you. A trigger activates the Conditioned Mind and one can only act according to what’s in place. Accept it and as the mind settles, you can move on…

Our unity as a society is dependent on learning to love unconditionally; ourselves and others. If we judge ourselves there is no way we won’t judge others, and in our judgements unity as a society will not happen. Our unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with ourself. If we can’t accept ourselves as we are, there’s no way we will be able to accept anyone else as they are. We may be able to accept them for a time, if they are as we want them to be, but they remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept ourselves will only occur when we know our own mind. And only in the sense of how it is the cause of not accepting ourselves exactly as we are.

Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, where does that originate from? Who would purposely act in a way that isn’t beneficial to their own well being, but it’s done all the time. These acts come from one’s own mind, but it’s not the act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way one acts to be in some other way that’s the problem. It’s impossible to change what’s already been done so accept it and move on. It may be possibly if you are practicing living a life that allows the mind to settle. The next time something triggers the Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in your best interest you may be able to respond differently. The thing is if you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it and move on. When the mind settles enough, you will stop acting in ways that aren’t in your best interests, but in the meantime understand you are perfect just as you are because good, bad, or indifferent, you are only doing what you are conditioned to do, so accept it and move on…

Mindful of Yourself

The road that leads to a peaceful life begins and ends with yourself. You can be mindful that you’re thinking about the past or future, but the only place you’ll ever be free is right now…

When a practice of mindfulness is in place it’s to allow the present moment to be experienced, this is within yourself. Being mindful of what’s actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it determines the amount of peace there is in life by allowing you to mind yourself. Life is magical in its essence, but there’s nothing magical with being mindful of yourself. All roads that lead to a peaceful life begin and end in the present moment, and a mindfulness practice will assist in keeping you mindful of this.

A thought arises, be mindful of it, now watch another, this is a tool as is the breath to be used to keep you mindful of yourself. One cannot be mindful in the past or future. You can be mindful that you’re thinking about the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every watched thought or breath can only be taken as it’s happening. The more you become mindful of this, the more focused you become in the body and being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for the story of the past or future. Be mindful of this article pertaining to you and then be mindful of what arises. Just be with it by being mindful of yourself. It’s in this space that you will find the peace because it’s the only thing that’s there…

A Past Reality

For many, the past has way too much control over what is done today. Until this is identified and the past is let go of, you will continue to be controlled as if you were a puppet on a string…

Understanding that living life today as opposed to living it from what happened in the past, is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by conditioning. When you’re living today you’re with true reality, not a made up one. When there isn’t the reality of today, there’s the delusional state of the past which makes for very little if any peace in your life.

The reality of what’s occurring today means if you’re reading this post, that’s reality. There’s nothing else going on beyond what’s in front of you (right now). There may be something going on between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of the past (what isn’t). The bottom line is the past is not the reality of what’s occurring today.

The mind has been conditioned to think it has to use the past to create a life that’s better than the one that’s occurring today; this is what keeps you from truly living life. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know it has to do with influences beyond one’s control. To me what matters is to develop a disciplined through sitting which allows you to break free of the control of outer influences. Control is control so the more you’re controlled by the past the less reality there will be. Unless you live with the reality of today and learn how to identify past influences, it will be impossible to ever be free because you’ll remain under the spell of what happened in the past…

Awareness Space

Not justifying everything you do creates the space needed to go beyond the unconscious view. This allows enough awareness so the way things are looked at changes…

When it’s said one is aware it can be described as being conscious of all the different mental factors that arise in each moment; this allows knowing why you see things as you do. It doesn’t prevent what arises or what happens, but it can lessen the reactions and some of the consequences associated with not being aware of this; but only if there isn’t attachment. Nothing inherently causes problems for anyone, alcohol never poured itself down someone’s throat. To reach for it it has to be viewed as beneficial. Same for drugs, gambling or anything else, nothing causes anyone to abuse it, it’s the individual alone who unconsciously sees them as beneficial. Granted most of this self destructive reaching is done without awareness, but I do try to shed light on this. I know a thing or two about this because I was unaware for forty nine years.

So many things controlled me and as long as I was unaware of this, unconsciousness continued its onslaught of control. How this unconscious view gets deeply ingrained is by justifying everything that’s done. From pointing out the faults of others, to being nasty to people, and so many other justified behaviors, all this does is keep the unconscious view in place. Aware that this is being done is the first step in breaking the chains of the unconscious view. Stop looking out there for answers, stop blaming and talking about others, in other words stop justifying everything you do and this just may create the space needed to allow you to go beyond the way you look at things. After all, if you’re unaware of the way you view things and it doesn’t change, the onslaught of being controlled by an unaware view will remain…

Bodily Presence

This is one of my most valuable and cherished articles, it’s worth repeating. It’s life changing if applied…

The mind is usually everywhere but in the present moment, the body is a great anchor to use in a sitting practice because there’s no way it can’t be in the present moment…

The importance of developing a sitting practice is in how this develops discipline which allows the mind to settle enough so one is in the present more often than not. The breath is used for this because it anchors you in the body which is always in the present. You never take a past or future breath, you can only take a breath in the present, this is why the breath is used. It’s the same reason chants are used, when Om is used, or EFT, you don’t Om or tap in the past or the future, you do it right now. When this is done it anchors you in the body which is always in the Now. The mind for most is constantly in the past or future, there are times when it’s present, but this is fleeting and mostly occurs because of happenstance. The body is a great anchor to use in a sitting practice because there’s no way it can’t be present. This doesn’t prevent anything from happening, but what it does do is it allows for one’s awareness to be with what’s happening instead of using resisting energy and trying to push what arises away. This resisting energy is at the core of how addictions manifest.

Besides a sitting practice, I often use the tool of simply looking down at my feet, and since wherever my feet are there I am, it also anchors me in the present. This is also why one uses a mindfulness practice, such as walking meditation because as you are mindful of each step, you’re anchored in the body which as stated before, is always in the present moment. Life is magical in relation to the things that occur for one’s energy to be transformed to form, but there’s nothing magical in being present for what’s actually happening. That is as long as one is aware that nothing happens to you, it’s just happening, you just happen to have the discipline to be aware of it…

Splendor of Life

The splendor of life can only be seen if that’s the view you have of the world. The world can only be seen through your eyes, and how quiet the mind is determines the splendor of the view…

The world is beautiful if you only take the time to see its splendor. You don’t have to go to a special place to see it. How about your own back yard or just taking a walk in the park, but if the mind isn’t quiet it will not matter where you are, you will not see the splendor of life.

So much of life is missed because of the noise in the head. Take the time to smell the roses before the roses are gone. If you keep saying tomorrow, my heart goes out to you because literally tomorrow never comes. Regardless of what goes on in your head, it’s always today. You may dream of tomorrow, but the dream can only happen today. You can hope or wish for tomorrow to be different than today, but at some point it will become today. It’s always today and that’s where the mind needs to be if you want to be with the splendor of what the Universe has to offer.

Take a step back before you miss one more second of your life. There are many distractions, that’s why if the mind isn’t quiet you miss the splendor of life which is always right before your very own eyes. It’s up to each individual alone to see the splendor life has to offer, but if you’re too busy to slow down, life will be over before you know it. You can accomplish many things in life, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to seeing the splendor of it. The Universe gives you a sense of awe, but it will only be seen by a mind that’s ready and quiet enough to see the splendor that is right before your eyes, if the time is taken to see it…