Evil always lies. Until this root is revealed, there will always be lying as truth remains hidden beneath the justification caused by the evil of the liar…
A statement is often made “know the truth and it will set you free” but I say know the evil behind the liar and it will set you free. This is my guide whenever something doesn’t sit well with me. The fact that there’s some form of agitation confirms the evil that’s lying; a liar can’t tell the truth. The liar may justify its lie as it often does because of their evil conditioning. If there’s an attached story to what arises and it’s being held onto, freedom is lost and the evil liar has control. Simply put, if there’s no freedom it’s because there’s no truth. Whatever method is being used, the moment there’s dependency on something, it pretty much guarantees it’s an evil lie and not truth. Truth just is, it doesn’t need a label because it’s never binding, that’s how you will recognize the evil lie.
If you want to understand truth, look at the evil that holds you in captivity. Truth is liberation from the evil of the liar. Many just substitute one lie with another and remain attached to the evil of a lie; although it is thought to be truth. What evil holds you captive makes you a liar so if something has you in its grip and all you do is to exchange one lie (dependency) for another, you are a liar. Programs do this, I know this to be factual. If you need a program to live your life and you’ve become dependent on it, it becomes the lie you have been trying to free yourself from. Dependency is an evil lie no matter what label it’s given. The Conditioned Mind is an evil liar and so subtle that truth is dismissed before it’s even investigated. Evil always lies. Until the root of this evil lying is revealed, truth will remain hidden beneath the justification caused by the evil of the liar…