Being a light to provide guidance so others may find their way is important, but if the light is only lit to shine on one specific guidance, it loses its illuminating effect…
There’s no such thing as one way to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness. It’s just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences because no one has the same experience in the waking up process. It’s quite amusing the way some people project their waking up process as being the only way. This is not to say this isn’t the way for that person, but that’s their experience and it’s very unlikely that two people let alone many experience waking up the same. I just try to guide people to look inward so they can come to their own conclusion to finding what will provide them their peace. I seriously doubt that anyone experienced exactly what I did to get to the place I’m in now, so why would I expect anyone to see things as I do.
One site in particular guides others to there not being a self, as if this is the only way to experience peace. Many others use religion as their guidance to peace. I’ve found there are as many guides to peace as there people seeking; none of them are wrong. I don’t know and don’t really care what guidance one uses, it’s not my place to judge. Although I understand the conditioning in place is in control, the only reason someone shares something is because it’s what’s in place; it’s not up to me to judge it. It’s up to me to watch my own mind and make sure it’s not conditioned as this will only dim the light of guidance that may be beneficial for others…

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