When the present moment isn’t needed to be a certain way that’s when you can truly be in harmony with life. If there’s a blind attachment to needing the moment different, suffering follows…
When there’s a discussion about what it means to be free, it’s relative to the attachments that are held onto by the mind. Most of these aren’t even known so even though a person may have many attachments which their own mind creates, the same mind will tell you there are none. If the mind tells you there are no attachments who can say there are? But regardless if there’s awareness of them, ignorance isn’t bliss. Attachment is the number one deterrent to freedom, and freedom can only be had if it is known what one is blindly attached to.
This isn’t to condone if someone is blindly harming others, but if this isn’t known, there’s no way the person can be any different. We are as free as our awareness to what we attach to is known. It’s our attachments that cause us to behave in ways that are not conducive to love; attachment blocks our innate goodness from arising. Attach to nothing and nothing will be blocked, this is when true harmony with existence will be. It’s where nothing is needed, wanted or desired. It’s where life just is with an awareness that nothing added or attached to will make it any different. When life’s moments aren’t needed to be a certain way, it’s at this point that one will truly be in harmony with life because it’s the attachment of needing life to be a certain way that causes one to blindly create their own suffering…

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