While you’re busy making plans life happens. If you’re not careful most of it will be missed because you’ll be too busy convincing yourself more is needed…
The only thing that makes a person think something more is needed to enhance life is their own conditioning. Until this is realized, this conditioning will keep you in the state of more is needed. This state of more is needed is a constant for most, so this means most are missing what life truly offers. If a person is alive life will be experienced, but ask yourself is your life being fully lived or are you under the spell of your own Conditioned Mind that makes you think more is needed. Needing more is the default setting of most minds; unfortunately so much of life will be missed because of this. This is a mind agitation that keeps needing more in place which doesn’t allow any contentment with what’s actually taking place.
Grab more of whatever you think you need, but except for a few brief moments contentment will be fleeting. Sit and visualize having all the riches of the world and see how this really changes your life. It will only be a matter of time before something more will be needed. This is because regardless of what one has or what’s going on, if there isn’t some level of contentment with the way things are, you will constantly convince yourself more is needed, and the need for more will always be…
The Need for More
Self Destruction
Nothing that happens in life affects a person unless their own mind allows it. This is the insanity of a Conditioned Mind, its self destructive solutions are from within which means one creates their own destruction…
For me, when all is said and done, regardless of what it’s called, I have found a way to minimize the reactions in my life that caused my own destruction. It’s my own mind that tells me these reactions are needed to cope with life; a life that was controlled by this destructive mindset. My own mind created all the destruction that went on by choosing actions I thought I wanted to do, but my choices always caused issues. I developed a mind that told me to do things that were destructive to my own well being. From relationships, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a slew of other things, nothing was ever chosen that was beneficial to my well being. I always seemed to do things that caused more harm than good. Why this mind set developed I’m not sure, but I do know this, it can only be described as insanity.
Fifteen years ago although it wasn’t a white light experience, an inner shift occurred that revealed a way to end the destructive actions. Regardless of what it’s called or what attached label is put on it, when I have issues with something, it’s my own self destructive mindset that creates it. When there’s awareness of this, and I don’t allow my mind to do this, there aren’t created issues, and I have found without issues I’m at peace, so the bottom line for me is to not create issues. All I ever wanted in my life was peace, but I didn’t know it was my own mind that was the cause of all the destruction…
A Puppeteer Past
For many the past has way too much control over what is done today. Until this is identified and the past is let go of, you will continue to be controlled by the past puppeteer…
Understanding that living life today as opposed to living it from what happened in the past, is the difference in being at peace or being controlled by conditioning. When you’re living today you’re with true reality, not a made up reality. When there isn’t the reality of today, there’s the delusional state of the past which makes for very little if any peace in life.
The reality of what’s occurring today means if you’re reading this post, that’s reality. There’s nothing else going on beyond what’s happening right now. There may be something going on between your ears, but that’s the created delusional state of the past. The bottom line, the past is not the reality of what’s occurring today.
The mind has been conditioned to think it has to use the past to create a life that’s better than the one that’s occurring today; this is what keeps you from truly living life. I’m not sure why this is, but I do know it has to do with influences beyond one’s control. To me what matters is to develop a disciplined method of sitting which allows you to break free of the control of these influences. Control is control so the more you’re controlled by the past, the less reality there will be. Unless you live in the reality of today and learn to identify past influences, it will be impossible to ever be free because you’ll remain under the control of the puppeteer of the past…
Reducing the Noise
Silence is the space where love reduces the noise between your ears. This reduced noise comes from life itself, but it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Silence opens up the true essence of life…
Silence is where life truly occurs. Silence is where love reduces the noise between your ears. Be with what’s in front of you no matter what it is simply because that’s what’s there. What’s there cannot be changed until it’s not there; accept life as it is. Don’t suppress it, let it flow. Any change needed will come from silence, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Sit in quiet, see who is sitting, who wants life different. When this self is no more, that’s when life becomes different, with the difference being no longer will what goes on between your ears matter because love reduces the noise and takes over.
Sitting allows the mind to settle because it allows the noise in the head to subside. It will settle on its own when there’s alignment with what is. Don’t think about who you are, be who you are. Your “I Am“ needs nothing added to it to be. It’s your true essence; anything added is a story created. The more one lives by this created story the less silence there is and the less love there is to reduce the noise between our ears. When the noise is reduced we are swallowed up by love without a story.
Just be with whatever life offers. No second thoughts of why this or that is done. Just be with it, don’t suppress it, let it flow. Sit often, don’t attach and the mind will settle, or not and it won’t. Either way life occurs, it’s just that in the silence of what’s there, love reduces the noise of what goes on between your ears…
Grasping Prison
Whatever you grasp for becomes your prison. If you don’t stop grasping so your heart can make room for love, you are the one who will suffer the most…
The choice to grasp for things is the choice to suffer, the problem with this is there really isn’t a choice because of the way the Conditioned Mind is in control. Suffering is inevitable because of the conditioned grasping in place. If this is to be different you will have to make room in your heart so the grasping is first replaced by stillness and then love. There’s no way around this grasping for whatever the flavor of the day is, week, month, or year. Just understand when it passes, something else will have to replace it. Today it’s politics, tomorrow it’s a co- worker, traffic, or something else and the next day and the next and so on. This will never change until there is room in your heart for love. If you grasp to individuals you don’t truly have the space for a loving heart; this is strong language, but it’s true.
Unconditional love can only be without grasping conditioning. This is a truth the Conditioned Mind doesn’t allow most to see. I can say I have love for all humanity, what I don’t love is the conditioning, but I do understand it and I choose not to feed into its nonsense. To grasp for things is to suffer regardless of what’s grasped for because it becomes your prison. Until this is understood you become the grasping energy. This is a Universal Law; you cannot be separate from the energy that is within you. Think about it, how can you? Stop grasping and make room in your heart for love. If you don’t you are the one who will suffer the most by remaining in the prison of what you are grasping for…
Fortitude Needed
Looking at yourself takes an amount of fortitude that most people will never possess because the conditioning in place won’t allow it. Until this changes the conditioning remains in control…
Everyday I’m amazed at the things people are hold onto, with the emphasis totally on satisfying a fictitious self. This is done without much consideration for anyone else and it’s strictly from a self-serving attitude. I know it’s because they know not what they do, but the suffering this causes and how it reinforces the conditioning in place can be truly disheartening. I said can be disheartening because if you’re truly awake there’s the understanding that the way things are is the way things are; wanting them different also reinforces the conditioning in place. I’m writing about this because there are answers that many don’t have the fortitude to embrace. It’s like there’s a cure for cancer, but some just won’t listen. Without going into specifics, the conditioned unconsciousness runs so deep that people will justify doing all kinds of selfish behavior without blinking an eye; drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, rioting, protesting, total defiance for any authority, murder, rape, assault, robbery and looking inward, this is only the tip of the Conditioned Mind iceberg.
Here’s why this is, at least from my experience. It’s much easier because of the way one is conditioned to justify selfish behavior than to have the fortitude to look at yourself. Looking at yourself takes an amount of fortitude that most people will never possess because the conditioning in place won’t allow it. Until this happens your conditioning remains in control. There’s really no way around this. You don’t have to save the world, but you have to have the fortitude to look inward so you can at least save yourself…
Liberal View
If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the Liberal view will have less control of you as your mind distractions subside; without these distractions you will understand truth intuitively…
If you’re always seeing life from a Liberal view, what is seen will be judged accordingly and what’s truly going on will not be noticed. Although with a Liberal view life still goes on, it’s very limited to the point of being delusional; I say this because it was my view for forty nine years; this caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was self-created and controlled by the Liberal view, although this wasn’t understood at the time. A Liberal view is one where there‘s constant needing and reaching. The needing and reaching are caused by the mind distractions that aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for something without giving it much thought regardless if it’s truly needed or not. In that moment the Liberal conditioning declares it needed, but this is a big fat lie; just like the Liberal view…
The Liberal view will only be noticed when you wake up and see its incessant distractions. You will have to be able to just be for the distractions to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if your view is distracted. This Liberal view is strictly mind based, hence the reason it’s not conducive to your well being; there is so much conditioning that causes these distractions one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the Liberal view will be in control because the mind distractions will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach for something will be lessened as it’s probably the first time in your life the Liberal view has taken a back seat…
Agitated Reactions
No one truly reacts to what happens in life, you react to the mind becoming agitated and wanting that moment to be different. You are alive, but your agitated reactions block you from truly living…
I have found certain things that are needed to be mindful of life occurrences so it can be lived to the fullest. One of these is the development of discipline of what to do when the mind becomes agitated. The hardest thing to do is nothing, but that is exactly what’s needed when the mind becomes agitated.
Definition of Agitation – Something that is stirred up or turbulent. When this happens to the mind, how you are conditioned to react is what shapes your life. You don’t react to what happens in life, you react to the mind becoming agitated. If the agitation never arose there wouldn’t be the knee jerk reactions, so without the reactions the only thing there would be is peace; this will take discipline. The only reason we react to anything is because of our mind agitations. Try and do nothing, I mean nothing at all, just sit and be mindful of the moment. Without the practice of sitting this discipline is nearly impossible. If you want to change things, learning to recognize the reaction to an agitation will have to become your life’s practice. Without it the agitations will continue to be a block to living your life to the fullest.
This is why you reach for whatever it is you think you need; you are just reacting to a mind agitation. Without it there would be no need for the reaching. Objects are not the only things reached for, talking about others, beating ourselves up, gaining our well-being by doing instead of being, searching for what it means to live, assigning our so called roles to ourselves, these are but a few of the reactions to a mind agitations; everyone responds in their own way. You will need to investigate this for yourself if you really want answers, most won’t go that deep inward. Looking at yourself is the hardest thing you will ever do, but it is where you will find out how not to react when your mind becomes agitated…
Prison of Self
The senses are directly linked to the prison of self. If you really want to understand your life from the spiritual side, you’ll have to get very quiet and become aware of how subtle the prison of self is…
Through the senses life is labeled, and those labels are constantly applied. Everything is judged, even labeling a paper clip on the desk is a judgment. Not a harmful one, but a judgment just the same. When you learn not to label you can become aware of the distractions that keep you from going beyond the prison of self. With this new awareness your mind finally settles enough to notice the deeper view. This is the initial awareness, but it will require much more practice to go deeper yet. The deeper you go, the more you will have to let go of that which is sensory. The more the sensory world is let go of, the more you will understand the deeper view and the freer you will be.
The only reason life is viewed from self by so many people is because there isn’t awareness of the quietness that’s necessary to view it differently. This isn’t something that is right or wrong, but it is limiting. Without the discipline to understand the difference between the prison of self and the deeper view, there will be no difference and the prison of self will be the only view that you will have. Not right or wrong, but limiting, and what is limited is your view…
Beneficial Awareness
Be with what arises, no pulling or pushing, just awareness of what’s happening. It’s in this space that you’ll be beneficially aware because this is the only place of true existence…
When a practice that allows awareness is in place the present moment is experienced. Being aware of what’s actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it or pushing it away is what will dictate how beneficial life is. Life is magical in its essence, but there’s nothing magical in becoming aware of this. All roads that lead to a beneficial life begin and end in the present moment and awareness is the key.
Take a breath and be aware of it, now take another and be aware, this is an anchor to the present. You can only be aware of what you’re thinking about in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more one becomes aware of this, the more anchored you’ll become in actually being in the present moment as opposed to grasping for the story of what’s going on between your ears. Be aware of reading this, and then be aware of what arises. Just be with it, no pulling or pushing, just awareness of what’s happening. It is in the space of awareness that you’ll be beneficially aware because this is the only place of true existence…
Fear Based Thoughts
When there’s awareness that your fear based thoughts are only a story, the fear subsides. This allows for a stillness that is always there, but not often experienced because fear based thoughts are in control…
Without fear based thoughts everyone would view life through the eyes of stillness which by the way are the eyes of peace, but because of fear based thoughts this view isn’t seen. The view of fear based thoughts are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in your life about your fear based thoughts, but it isn’t truly ever about what is seen. Matter of fact it‘s not about anything in particular except to the one with the fear based thoughts that are held onto.
Fear based thoughts are what makes the mind attach and those attachments are the cause of the fear associated thoughts that control your life. What is really happening is this, life just happens, it’s not personal. It’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about what’s right or wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of stillness and not being lead around by your fear based thoughts; whatever you make them out to be. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be content. This contentment has always been there in the space of stillness, but it was probably never experienced because of the fear based thoughts that don’t allow you to see…
Revealed Answers
Answers in life can either be created or revealed. The more we attach to the daily occurrences, the more our answers are created. When we let go, answers are revealed…
Sometimes when people talk of consciousness there is a sense of being special or different from the rest of the human family. For me a true understanding of consciousness has nothing to do with anyone else. This has just been what I has been revealed to me. For most of my life I felt like a square peg in a round hole until the universe selected the current direction of my life; now this feeling no longer exist; not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for this.
My current direction is a blessing, but it by no means makes me special. It just makes it what was revealed to me. When I look at some of the so called awakened people who are spreading their message to others, what I sense is they are spreading a created message not a revealed one. I know this is a judgement, but it has been said ” A smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise person learns from the mistakes of others”. I for one avoid taking what happened to me and making it personal. I simply share what was revealed to me without the intent to change or fix anyone or to try and convince anyone I have found the way. I have found a way that has been revealed to me, but it’s not with the intent to be separate from others. We already have the created have’s and have not’s in the world. My intent is to be with what is, where answers are revealed not created. Allow life to be as it is and life not people will reveal answers…
Subconscious Reactions
Most reactions that occur in life are subconscious, but they’re put in place by your own conditioning. If your life isn’t lived to its fullest potential, subconsciously your conditioned ideas are blocking it from being so…
Although things seem to be a certain way, they’re not always as it appears. It’s difficult to see beyond your own mind when conditioned ideas are brought into play. So much of what the mind holds onto becomes subconscious and is put in storage to be used at certain times; this is how most minds are conditioned. Subconsciously you already have in place the way things are going to be handled; conditioned reactions are formed in this way. They’re all based on putting things in a certain place so subconscious reactions are triggered.
This goes on constantly because the Conditioned Mind makes it so. If you had no previous conditioning, subconscious reactions wouldn’t arise, but this is not the case. One of the keys to not living a subconsciously conditioned life is to develop some way to be anchored in the present. This is important because the more you’re present, the more you’re with what life offers. When this occurs there’s peace because the conditioned ideas put in place subconsciously are no longer making you react to things because they need to be different than what they are…
Seeing Only One Way
There’s not much free flowing energy when something is seen only one way. What happens is your free flowing energy is cut off by seeing only one way so there’s a limitation that causes stagnation…
Seeing things only one way one is what causes you to get locked into only seeing things from the side of stagnation. It matters little what is seen as it’s the rigidness of being in a stagnant mode that doesn’t allow free flowing energy; this is what happens when a story is created and is seen only one way. It becomes deeply ingrained and hence deeply fixed as one becomes more and more emotionally tied into whatever way is being focused on. It’s very difficult to not attach to something that is held dear to our hearts, such as our children, spouse, parents, relatives, friends and so on, but you can have compassion, passion, and genuine love for something without seeing it only one way…
To me seeing only way is the normal view of most people and it’s why many are stagnant. I’ve noticed this occurring in so many lives and I can see the stagnation it causes. Unfortunately those in the midst of seeing only one way don’t see the stagnation, nor can they pull themselves out of it until there’s awareness of seeing only one way. Seeing only one way doesn’t allow the openness needed to be free from attachment, and since attachment is the cause of stagnation, being stagnant is inevitable. The more one is in the grip of seeing only one way, the more you become fixated on it, and the less free flowing energy there is. There’s not much free flowing energy in something that’s seen only one way, and because of this the free flowing energy is cut off and causes stagnation…
Inside Out View
Accepting everything as it is from the inside out may seem unrealistic, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from the outside in and in the process cause your own suffering…
It’s not the changes that occur in life that throw you for a loop, it’s the outside in view that things will always be a certain way, that’s what makes changes much more difficult to cope with. If everything could be accepted as it is, one would never be thrown for a loop because the outside in view that tells you things should remain as they are wouldn’t occur. Accepting everything as it is seems like a tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from an outside in view instead of an inside out view which is the view of peace.
For one to get beyond the outside in view, it has to be understood that it’s your own mind that creates it. Life is what’s seen through the view that’s created and it’s created through the conditioning in place. Why a view is considered outside in is because of how the mindset is reach out there when changes occur and the change isn’t accepted. This reaching keeps the mind closed to the conditioning that sees things as outside in; if this conditioning isn’t changed the outside in view will not change. It’s not that a certain view needs to be implemented, all that’s needed is to be aware of there’s an inside out view instead of the outside in view. Awareness is key in change because it allows for acceptance of what is (inside out). When the world can be accepted as it is, good, bad, or indifferent, then just maybe you will view life from the inside out…
Providing Guidance
Being a light to provide guidance so others may find their way is important, but if the light is only lit to shine on one specific guidance, it loses its illuminating effect…
There’s no such thing as one way to wake up from the sleep of unconsciousness. It’s just about impossible to see exactly what another person experiences because no one has the same experience in the waking up process. It’s quite amusing the way some people project their waking up process as being the only way. This is not to say this isn’t the way for that person, but that’s their experience and it’s very unlikely that two people let alone many experience waking up the same. I just try to guide people to look inward so they can come to their own conclusion to finding what will provide them their peace. I seriously doubt that anyone experienced exactly what I did to get to the place I’m in now, so why would I expect anyone to see things as I do.
One site in particular guides others to there not being a self, as if this is the only way to experience peace. Many others use religion as their guidance to peace. I’ve found there are as many guides to peace as there people seeking; none of them are wrong. I don’t know and don’t really care what guidance one uses, it’s not my place to judge. Although I understand the conditioning in place is in control, the only reason someone shares something is because it’s what’s in place; it’s not up to me to judge it. It’s up to me to watch my own mind and make sure it’s not conditioned as this will only dim the light of guidance that may be beneficial for others…
Burdened Adjustments
If life has to be a certain way for it to be okay, it’s as if a burden is being carried around because needing life a certain way creates the load of having to make constant adjustments…
Nobody knows what this life has in store for them between the time they are born and when it ends. Today you can be going along with what’s considered the perfect life and in an instant it can change, and it will for someone. Some turn of events is occurring right now as I’m writing this that’s turning someone’s life upside down. Moments ago it may have been just the way that it was wanted, but now all that has changed. The point of this writing is it will hopefully allow you to take a moment to reflect on life needing to be a certain way for it to be considered okay and how when it changes, there’s a burden that’s carried around.
So much time is spent trying to maintain a certain existence. When the moment comes that it changes, will you be ready for it or will the change be resisted and hence will you allow the change to create an unnecessary burden? Life is life and without a moments notice it changes, and can even end; this is occurring right now for someone. The question to ask yourself is what burden are you carrying around that you deem so important? If life ended right now, everything, and I do mean everything you’re carrying around will be let go of like it or not. It all goes away, none of it matters whatsoever from concern for children, parents, the state of the world, your favorite team, jobs, and so on. So why is it being carried around and allowed to hold you down? That’s the million dollar question to ask yourself if you‘re ever to be free, or not and remain attached to the burden of needing life to be a certain way, creating the load of having to make constant adjustments…
Your Own Uniqueness
It’s the selfish outward view that blocks you from the vision of your own uniqueness. This unique vision only occurs when there’s awareness that comes from looking inside out…
Although no one is more special than another in this existence, there are some who do see things differently than most. What makes this happen is looking inward. I wouldn’t label some as chosen, but I would say some are more inclined to not attach to a selfish view which allows for a clearer vision than if you are in the grip of a mind based view. The two existences I’ve experienced are vastly different, one was in the outward direction where there was much self created suffering. The other, the one I’m living now is a view in the inward direction of non attachment. The differences in the two views is the outward view creates suffering and is done in unconscious ignorance, the inward view is lived in awareness of the ignorance. Today my view is as it is because the selfish distractions don’t control me as much as they once did; there is still conditioning, I’m just not as controlled by it.
The vision of your own uniqueness that occurs is a by-product of awareness, and as the selfish view is let go of, it opens up space to allow wisdom and insight to occur. This opening is directly linked to the letting go of the outward view. It’s the outward view that attaches and it’s the cause of all suffering. Ever so slowing when one begins to look inward the distractions fall away. To me this is what was revealed to the great mystic’s that people considered special, but all they did was look inward. This looking inward is available to everyone, but you will have to overcome the selfish outward view that keeps you distracted from the vision of your own uniqueness which will only be seen when you begin to look inward…
Blindly Attached
When the present moment isn’t needed to be a certain way that’s when you can truly be in harmony with life. If there’s a blind attachment to needing the moment different, suffering follows…
When there’s a discussion about what it means to be free, it’s relative to the attachments that are held onto by the mind. Most of these aren’t even known so even though a person may have many attachments which their own mind creates, the same mind will tell you there are none. If the mind tells you there are no attachments who can say there are? But regardless if there’s awareness of them, ignorance isn’t bliss. Attachment is the number one deterrent to freedom, and freedom can only be had if it is known what one is blindly attached to.
This isn’t to condone if someone is blindly harming others, but if this isn’t known, there’s no way the person can be any different. We are as free as our awareness to what we attach to is known. It’s our attachments that cause us to behave in ways that are not conducive to love; attachment blocks our innate goodness from arising. Attach to nothing and nothing will be blocked, this is when true harmony with existence will be. It’s where nothing is needed, wanted or desired. It’s where life just is with an awareness that nothing added or attached to will make it any different. When life’s moments aren’t needed to be a certain way, it’s at this point that one will truly be in harmony with life because it’s the attachment of needing life to be a certain way that causes one to blindly create their own suffering…
Truth Transformation
What occurs when one awakens is there’s a transformation of energy from the head to the heart; this is truth transformed. With this transformation you no longer have a surface view, it’s now from the inside out…
People think they change when they learn something new, but the essence of what is truly happening is there’s a transformation that has always been there. It’s not really a change that occurs, it’s a transformation from a delusional surface view, with the transformation being the inner-standing of the true nature of life; looking inward at your own mind. You cannot know truth if you do not know yourself and you cannot know yourself if your mind doesn’t transform. The reason why it’s so difficult for the transformation of truth to occur is because the mind will not settle down without a struggle. Your mind will tell you a surface view is needed to get by in life; as long as it’s thought to be pleasurable…
Self investigation is not pleasurable especially when it’s first started, that’s why so many are hesitant to do it. It’s much easier and pleasurable not to investigate and do what’s familiar, but there are only benefits when an honest self appraisal is done. A step into the unfamiliar will need to be taken so you can get to know the truth of who you aren’t.
The mind defaults naturally to what’s familiar because it’s what’s on the surface, but an honest self appraisal allows for a transformation of truth to rise to the surface; this is how truth becomes familiar. When the truth transforms to what’s on the surface what happens is the veil of ignorance is removed and where you were once blind you can now see. It’s not a change, it’s a transformation that allows the truth that has always been there to be seen…
Non-Beneficial Tools
There’s an energy that occurs in life that keeps non-beneficial tools in place without investigating them. The issue with this is how these non-beneficial tools are passed onto others…
If there are non-beneficial actions and reactions in your daily decision making process without investigation, there will be many decisions made without knowing what is truly beneficial. When these tools are passed on to others it equates to the blind leading the blind; very few people truly understand the Conditioned Mind. Without the discipline that provides some stillness, non-beneficial energy is followed simply because it’s in place. To the Conditioned Mind there’s no need for questions because it has all the answers. Saying I’m not there yet is just crazy, and it’s a created block that hampers the ability to live in a beneficial way. If you’re not there yet wherever there is, you will never get there. What amazes me is how people settle for a place just because it’s comfortable and someone else says it’s beneficial.
To me it’s just mind boggling how a person holds onto what is non-beneficial and doesn’t even consider there might be another way to see things. What’s mind boggling about this is how this non-beneficial energy keeps you in a self created prison that causes suffering; life doesn’t cause suffering the non-beneficial Conditioned Mind does. Unless you’re willing to sit and allow the mind to settle, the non-beneficial energy of the Conditioned Mind will remain in place and you’ll continue to use non beneficial tools that cause suffering. Here’s the real issue with this, these tools are passed onto others and this makes it as though the blind are leading the blind…
Need to Reach
The most important thing to understand about the need to reach is, the less attachment there is to “Me” the less there will be a need to reach for something you think is needed for satisfaction…
The need to reach is so powerful because what’s reached for is actually satisfying; this is why reaching is so addicting. The only issue with this is the impermanent nature of being satisfied. Satisfaction simply will not last, it has no staying power so something will always be needed following the attainment of whatever is reached for. Think about this, all the things you thought you needed to reach for throughout your life regardless of what it was, it doesn’t bring the satisfaction now that it brought at that time. Most times, even if the same exact thing is physically repeated, it’s usually not as satisfying as the first experience. I used so many things I thought were needed as my reaching conditioning dictated, but it never lasted; the next reach always arose. This went on all the time, reaching for one thing after another and never staying satisfied.
I’ve come to understand this need to reach as the main reason people become addicted to things. If needing satisfaction wasn’t sought, nothing would be reached for so there would never be an addiction. Unfortunately, the need to reach has its way with people. It’s deeply ingrained in the “Me” subconscious and has been in place since the beginning of human form. I know this need to reach is what controlled me for forty nine years and it was directly associated with “Me”. Without “Me” no one is there to need. Even with this understanding, the need to reach doesn’t just disappear, but it does lessen somewhat. To me, the most important thing to understand about this is, the less attachment there is to “Me” the less there’s a need to reach for something because without “Me” there’s no one who needs the next satisfaction…
Two Types of Suffering
There are two types of suffering, one is you run away from it, but it will follow you everywhere. The other is to be willing to face it which is the way that will bring you freedom…
Pain in this existence is pretty much a given, but it doesn’t have to be where it causes suffering. There are many lessons to learn in life and until it’s realized there are two types of suffering, the one you’re most likely to be stuck in is the suffering that follows you everywhere. This is the circular energy of suffering and it never ends because it can’t. Its controlling energy is immersed in attachment and as long as this is in place, it will follow you everywhere. Attachment keeps suffering firmly locked in place. Nothing satisfies the unquenchable thirst of attachment so this is why suffering follows you everywhere; attachment is always thirsty. Even though this is the suffering that’s in place for most, there is another type of suffering that is actually beneficial to one’s well being, this is because it pushes you to a state where there is freedom.
The freedom written about here is from attachment not suffering because without attachment there’s no one to suffer. This is the type of suffering that leads to freedom because as this energy arises and it will, instead of attaching to its circular energy, it pushes you to new insights and revelations; you’re with the pain of what arises instead of pushing the suffering away. There’s no reaching to mask this, there’s no running from it or using something as a distraction. What happens when one makes a stand with what arises is the lies of attachment are exposed, so if there’s no attachment there’s nothing for the suffering to follow; liberation naturally occurs. Read this very carefully and if the full meaning of this can be grasped, freedom from the suffering that’s been following you around for most of your life will begin to lag behind you. But understand this, the lagging will only occur when there‘s no attachment for suffering to follow…
Childish Energy
If humanity is to ever unite, the childish energy in place will have to fall away. If it doesn’t the energy that makes an adult a childish baby will continue to be reinforced…
We are a divided society because of childish energy, as we only want things as we think they should be; when they’re not, look out. Just look at what’s going on in the world, so much is being done from a childish perspective. Childish energy is separating energy and that’s the point people are missing; I would write this same article regardless of who was in charge if the same behavior was being exhibited. As long as we as a people act selfishly by succumbing to childish energy, it doesn’t matter what happens, life will never go the way that it’s wanted; childish energy will always be in control. I see this in me and I don’t enjoy it very much when it arises because it causes suffering to me and all those around me. When this childish energy rears its ugly head and circumstances don’t go your way, your conditioning justifies the behavior to cement this childish energy.
Most people will justify their childish behavior by lying to themselves that they’re only opposing something because it what’s best for everyone, but that’s one of the tools childish energy uses. This article is about childish energy making babies out of adults who need a pacifier to suck on and cause undue suffering to humanity. Here’s the kicker, the moment this isn’t agreed with it causes separation between us and lo and behold the childish energy is reinforced and so the contribution to humanity suffers. The very thing that’s opposed is the very thing that’s reinforced in yourself. This is how energy works and if we are ever going to unite as a people, childish energy will have to fall away at some point. If it doesn’t the childish energy that makes an adult a pacifier sucking baby will continue to be reinforced…
A False Identity
The more attached you are to your given name, the more a false identity is created. When this is realized it leads not so much to knowing who you are, but more so to the truth of who you are not…
One day as I was sitting in silence, it was revealed to me that it took nearly forty nine years to develop an identity to a false self along with all the tools I thought were needed to make me who I thought I was suppose to be. For the last sixteen years I have be undoing what my Conditioned Mind developed because it was thought to be the most beneficial way to live. This false self began at the time of birth when my parents named me for the purpose of society having a way to identify me. This name was then attached to by a self that was in the beginning stages of creating a false identity.
On this day sixteen years ago the lie was exposed for me as it will be for everyone I gather one day; for most it will remain in place until the time of death. Although for some death itself will be the time of this exposure of your false self, but for most you will never become be aware of it. For those who do awaken to the fallacy of this false identity, there’s a freedom that occurs which can only be known in the space of non attachment to this made up false self. Bondage is in the belief that you are what you think you are, freedom is in the knowing that you are not. The more the lie of this false identity is exposed, the more you’ll see the truth that the false self doesn’t really exist. In this truth there’s a knowing not of who you are, but of who you are not, and it’s in the exposure of this that sets you free because you are no longer in the prison of your false identity…
Blocked Truth
Blocks to a truthful life are created by a mind that’s conditioned to be selfish. The mind creates these blocks by keeping you under the spell that the selfish mind is needed for truth…
The closed mind is one that‘s conditioned to be this way; it can’t get over its own created blocks so truth is hidden from its view. This blocks the ability to see the truth that’s available so instead of being in the presence of what is, what isn’t is the minds default view. Learn to be with what’s actually occurring and the default setting of the mind becomes one of truth because the created blocks cease to exist. When this occurs the selfish mind isn’t in control and you’re free to live without blocks; the blocks which are created by your own mind.
Only a Conditioned Mind creates blocks. To create blocks is to put a limit on something or to control something, this is what a Conditioned Mind does. Even though it seems like we choose to do what we do, when anything is done that’s based in selfishness, it limits because no one, not even the one doing exactly as wanted benefits. This is because not only is one out of alignment with the Universe, but one is out of alignment with themselves. When you go beyond this conditioning, you go beyond your mind created blocks as truth is naturally seen. To be without blocks is to be aligned with the Universe, and to be aligned with the Universe is to be aligned with truth; without the block of needing anything different…
Harmonic Intentions
When intentions are in harmony with love this opens the heart to loving all beings. Not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when intentions are in harmony with love…
Having love harmonic intentions is worth more than all the books combined on what it means to be spiritual. And why this is so is because your harmonic intentions are yours and the content of any book is someone else’s. Someone else’s idea of you will never be you, no matter if their way is copied exactly. This is why many remain in the struggle because they’re trying to be someone else’s idea of who they should be. You can use books, methods, and whatnot as a tool, but the deep seated intentions of why you do what you do will need to be reflected upon to see if the results of your efforts are in harmony with love. Not the story of love, but the love that arises not from effort, but from one’s own inner harmony. This is where effort is meaningless if it’s not in harmony with love. Only harmonic intentions with love will result in meaning.
There are as many books about awakening as there are people practicing, but everyone who reads a book and practices doesn’t necessarily wake up. This is because the intentions aren’t of the necessary energy that allows harmony with a loving heart. True intentions need to be seen if there is to be harmony with all beings. This doesn’t mean a person won’t harm you or animals and insects won’t bite you, but it’s less likely you’ll put yourself in that type of situations with being in harmony with a loving heart. In the space of stillness one learns to see their true intentions and in the process have those intentions in harmony with love. When this occurs one will love all beings, not because it’s wanted, but because this is the way love rolls when intentions are in harmony with love…
The Division Story
Thinking there is division from others isn’t true division, it’s only a thought. When the thought does arise, if there isn’t attachment to it, there will be unity instead of division…
The Conditioned Mind divides people and sees them as different, but it’s not true; the only division is from the story of division. There is no true division, when you can understand that the nature of all division is only from the way you’re conditioned, it ceases to exist. At the core of this understanding is a oneness within, and thus a oneness with everything. This includes insects, animals, fish, plants, and humans, in essence the entire Universe, but don’t miss interpret this, it’s not a concept or theory. It’s a fact and this can only be truly sensed when the mind is very still and only when the mind is absent of any thought of division.
There has to be a oneness within yourself before there can be oneness with anything else. If this doesn’t occur it’s because you’re consumed by the thought realm and the thought realm is controlled by the div of the Conditioned Mind. Please don’t take this lightly, it’s the reason, greed, hate, and delusion are the default setting of so many minds. If there isn’t quietness, there’s noise, and if there’s noise it’s derived from one’s conditioning. Sit with this and notice when division arises and what’s at its core. Let it pass without labeling it, just observe and don’t attach to it. Remember the thought of division isn’t true division, it’s only a thought. When this thought arises as it will because of your conditioning, if there isn’t attachment to the thought there will be unity instead of division…
Edge of Love
With an unlocked heart things going on around you may not change, but what does change is the view from looking at life through “I” to looking at life from within the edge of love…
I’m sure everyone has heard the expression “the circle of life” but here’s a little different spin on it as “the edge of love”. Think of it as though life is a circle, when you love you’re inside its edge and when you don’t it means you’re living mostly from “I” which automatically puts you beyond the edge. Outside the edges was how the first forty nine years of my life were lived. Occasionally I was within the edges, but not very often, and this was because my “I” conditioning kept my heart locked. It’s nearly impossible to enter the edge of love from “I” because “I” is the lock that keeps that heart closed. When you see this, it gives you something tangible to work with which allows the heart to be unlocked, and with an unlocked heart you can be surrounded by the edges of love.
Life and love can be synonymous, but only when you’re within the edge of love, and you can only be there when the heart is unlocked and open. The locks of the world that keep you outside loves edge are many. It’s as though you’re on the outside of a house looking in through a window. Love unlocks the heart to see things that were previously unseen, and this is what opens you to see as if you’re inside the house looking out. When you’re on the inside looking out it’s because the heart is unlocked. With the heart unlocked it may not change what’s going on around you, but it does change the view from looking at life through “I” to looking at life from within the edge of love…