Lies Create Liars

A life created by lies won’t ever be changed with the same lies. It's not that truth has to be known to change this, but the lies have to be revealed if they’re to lose control...

It’s very difficult to explain truth because so many have different perspectives of it. Instead of trying to prove what truth is just explore what a lie is. A lie is something that has no real facts at its base. Most perspectives aren’t factual, they‘re created to suit some sort of belief. When I’m asked if I believe in God, I answer that I believe in facts which is based on experience; I only share what has been experienced. I don’t see the benefit of creating a story about something to suit a mind made lie. Fact, love is more beneficial than hate, patience more beneficial than being impatient, kindness is better than being mean, so I learn what the blocks are to living a factual life so it’s of maximum benefit to myself and to all beings. Truth will be known when your lies are known.

The biggest lie in place is material things will satisfy you, this is reinforced everyday. It’s a lie which is at the core of our entire misaligned society. It creates all kinds of issues as a society. Religious sects all claim to have the truth, no facts, just their truth. Politicians pretend to fix problems based in lies with the same lies. The entire entertainment and sports industry are based in lies that create the false impression of the haves and have nots which creates separation in our society not unity; there’s never truth when there’s separation. There’s also the lie of social and career status. Lie after lie after lie, and what happens to a society when this is its base, we become a society of liars. Not because we want to and not because truth can’t be known, it’s simply because the lies in place are in control…

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