Whatever one thinks is needed to be happy is a ball and chain. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if what’s being used is truly providing what you think it is…
The view that I have of life today is not the view I always had. I try to provide a direction and knowledge, but it should be noted I didn’t always see things as they’re seen now. I’m fortunate to have experienced two totally different ways of viewing life; it’s where my insights arise from and the reason why I share as I do. Having lived in a ball and chain of lies for so many years has actually become my greatest asset. What I write about is always from a lesson I learned. It’s never about being smarter or knowing more than anyone else. What’s seen is simply what’s there and it’s what’s shared. When I talk about quietness or stillness it’s because I lived a ball and chain life. When there’s talk of attachment, it’s because attachment was my ball and chain; it doesn’t matter what’s attached to.
Everyone who is alive experiences life, it’s what’s done with the experience that determines the ball and chain effect. An example is if you think you need material possessions to be happy; that will be your ball and chain. It’s not right or wrong, but the key is to understand if material possessions truly provide what you think they do. Deep down inside having material possessions don’t change you; substitute material possessions with anything. For me I went through a life of much suffering as the ball and chain of my Conditioned Mind made me always look for happiness; today I see this for the lie that it is. When I write something it’s because I can see the self serving ball and chain prison I was stuck in. Today I have been provided with a view of liberation. I’m very direct in my approach because I’ve been where most people are and I can see the ball and chain lies that far too many remain attached to…

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