If we are to unite as a society we must start looking at the facts and stop living in a world dedicated to satisfying a self-serving agenda…
The whys behind any action will need to be recognized before they can be changed. If you don’t know why you have stress in your life, or why any other self-serving behavior is done, you will never have the possibility of changing it. Self-serving behavior has a snowball effect to it. It just grows and grows and causes devastation in its path. Hopefully you won’t wait until you are on your death bed to become aware of the self-serving behavior in place and stop the snowball from getting too much momentum and power. The more momentum your self-serving behavior has, the harder it will be to change the behavior. In most cases the behavior is so deeply ingrained that it has become a constant controlling mind pattern. Nothing short of a miracle will dislodge it. You will need the willingness to do the necessary practice to allow this dislodgment. Behavior will not change on its own. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
When you have awareness of this it will be up to you whether you are willing to accept the results of living a self-serving life or not. When you aren’t feeling well mentally, understand it‘s not life’s fault, it’s the result of a decision. Results are a part of life, but whether they are negative or loving will be determined by what you are practicing. If what you are practicing is based in self-serving energy, what is produced will be self-serving results. When that’s the energy life is lived by it will be very difficult to feel well mentally. Practice love-serving behaviors and your results will be of love, and don’t be surprised when you feel well most of, if not all of the time…