The belief that the next thing attained will make you complete is what keeps you in the mode of the never ending chase. It can stop, but only if it’s realized you’re already complete…
There will be completeness when this happens next, the next fix, the next satisfaction, or the next whatever is used in the never ending chase. What’s next goes on to infinity, it never ends until it’s realized there is no end and you will always be on the never ending chase for that which is already here; who is the chaser and why all this chasing. Either there’s completeness now with the way things are or there isn’t. You may think chasing the next whatever will bring utopia, but it never ends because there’s nothing to truly attain that ends the chasing. The Conditioned Mind will tell you different and that’s why there’s chasing, but what you really need to ask yourself is who is doing the chasing and why? The fictional character of self that’s been made up to think things need to be a certain way for completeness is just that, fictional and this is why there’s the never ending chase.
The self that makes up this nonsense that you’re incomplete is just a story; this is what keeps you chasing. The dream of attaining a certain status, the next promotion, the trophy partner, the next book, the next whatever keeps you in the never ending mode of the chase. A chase that will either end because this is realized or because life in this forms ends: the chase will end one day. How it ends will be determined if you spend your entire life chasing after that which is already here or if you stop the chasing because it’s realized you‘re already complete…

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