The mind will only settle when there is quiet. You cannot do anything to be quiet, it arises from itself. When the intellectual mind stops intellectualizing, the internal urging will quiet in its own quietness….
When one truly awakens, there’s an understanding of quiet and how it relates to life. When this occurs there’s freedom because quietness arises naturally. We seek because of an internal urging for quiet which is what a true awakening reveals. This cannot be known intellectually. Intelligence is actually noise, quietness can only be known by being quiet. The lack of quiet makes life very mundane. It makes you less aware of the internal urging of quietness provided by the Universe. Without this awareness you cannot truly understand what the benefits of being quiet are. Understand though quietness is always there, it’s just not understood. Nothing is needed to experience quietness; the only way you can be quiet is to being quiet. Methods may be useful in learning to be quiet, but the only reason this is so is because the mind hasn’t been developed for quietness, it’s been developed to generate noise.
It’s a human fault to need to make life about something, but if something is needed, make it about being quietness. I know this because it’s the only thing that truly makes sense to me. It’s the only place where I don’t need to think and there is peace. Not to think is to be in a state of no mind and in this state is true peace. How can it not be peaceful in this state, there’s nothing to cause one to suffer. There’s no generated noise in the head. The quietness of I Am. Nothing more will ever be needed because in quiet is where everything arises from; unless you want to live by the generated noise in your head. Quietness is the ultimate truth, but even saying that is noise. Quietness of no mind is all that is, when one stops seeking it or trying to define it that’s when it arises…

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