There are different ways to handle things as they arise in life, but the key to not being controlled by them is to understand it’s not personal…
As life happens, the way those happenings are handled depends on how you relate them to yourself. The most usual way life is handled is by making it so personal that it’s attached to as if what’s happening is directly happening to you. This is very restrictive and creates much suffering because it’s made as if there’s a fault as to why it’s happening. This is also when the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve mind takes over. That there’s a you who things happen to is the conventional way of viewing life. Things do happen, but nothing truly happens to you. Nothing directly happens to you unless there’s a you who makes it personal. I’m not saying ignore what happens, but without the attachment to “I” the things that happen are allowed to be as they are without the mind creating suffering. This is not how most people handle things. The conventional thought is there has to be an emotional tie to what happens, but what’s not understood is you don’t have to suffer. This isn’t seen because of the attachment to a self that only exist in the mind.
The last few years have allowed me to go deeper within to see how suffering is created by holding onto a self that’s been programmed by the conditioning of what is considered normal. If you can’t change what occurred don’t replay it over and over. Replaying it doesn’t change it, but it does cause it to create a Conditioned Mind Pattern that doesn’t allow you to see there really isn’t a you to hold on to. If you don’t think this is true, where is this self that is so adamantly held onto? I will just say this, each day I learn a little more because without the attachment to self what happens happens, it simply doesn’t happen to me. And so to me nothing is personal, but it’s not because it’s being ignore, it’s because there’s no attachment to a self to make it all about me…

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