Although we're all the same in the way we exist, our road travelled is a unique path to go though life with what seems to be designed specifically for us to learn from...
There is a need to understand your path in regards to life so it isn't compared to what someone else’s path may be; this is so your own life is lived to it’s fullest potential. We all have our own unique path which is the same in regards they all have a beginning and an end, but each path is different because where we begin is different. Take twenty people from all walks of life and go out in twenty different directions from the same starting point. Each one has different vehicle varying in year and reliability with a map to get to their destination; no one path is designated and it constantly changes because of circumstances beyond anyone's control; everyone selects what they think is the best path for them.
We develop some tools that are useful and some that aren't. Some things are pleasant, some not. There is fun experienced along the way and beauty to behold, but there are also difficulties, road blocks, detours, unexpected hazards, health issues, accidents, disappointments, death. But through all this we remain true to our unique path. We go forward because it is what's in front of us. We need not compare our journey with others because in realty the only thing that’s the same is birth and death (the final destination at least in this form) death is Universal. So my friends as everyone reaches their final destination it’s discovered the destination didn't matter as much as the ride, it was also discovered that it was the experience of the ride that makes life what it is and regardless of what happens the joy of any life is in what is experienced, and it’s the unique path travelled that makes it so...

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