Depending on how conditioned your mind becomes determines the presence of your inner child, and the innocence of your inner child is the foundation to a life that's loving, and caring...
We are all born of light, but that light staying lit is determined on how alive your inner child remains a part of your life. The more the self serving mind is in control the more you’re claimed by selfish desires and possessions. There are many traps along the way that take your inner child and lock it away. Drugs, alcohol, sex, greed, hate, delusion, envy, sloth, false pride, and anger are just some of the trappings, but there are many many more that takes you from the space of your inner child to a place that's ruled by selfish wants and desires; very few of the trappings take hold all at once. The self serving mind is developed and one day if this path is followed continuously the inner child will only be there in the form of trying to constantly arrange life to be a certain way; this is the inner baby not the inner child.Make no mistake between these two, the baby is self serving, needing, wanting, and selfish, the inner child is innocent, loving, and caring. Depending on your upbringing and whatever else influenced you determines how much of your inner child remains. To understand this is to know yourself and when you know yourself you can develop a practice to reverse your conditioning and free your inner child; allowing it to again be a part of your daily life. The more the practice of this is done the more of your inner child returns so you can once again see your light and be innocent, loving, and caring as you were when life began...
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