Truth Leads to Peace

Peace from letting go of “I” attachments are based in truth, and truth is based in stillness. A noise based life produces lies which is the nature of noise; only in truth can peace be experienced...

You’ll never learn what true peace is if you’re not using tools that cultivate the truth that leads to peace. Many have gone before us and left us tools, but what most do with them is find loopholes so you can do what you want and ignore the truth that leads to peace. There are so many tools that point us to peace, but they are discounted because of “I”. So many have left us teachings, but we don't hear the message because we judge the messages and the messenger with our own Conditioned Mind. We hear our own message and interpret it as peace so we can satisfy the I Self.

What you may think the truth is that leads to peace isn’t truth; it’s perception. There’s my thought based perceived truth that’s thought to lead to peace and there’s yours, but neither of them are based in truth. The truth that leads to peace is revealed in stillness beyond all the perceived thoughts about it. But you‘ll never understand this until you are quiet enough to know it is right in front of you and it has nothing to do with what you think. That's the thing about truth that leads to peace, it’s always there and it’s always right in front of you, but because of the “I” generated noise it’s perception you’re most likely seeing and true peace is something only a very settled mind will ever experience...

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