An “I” perspective interrupts the harmony that one has with life because of its judgments. “I” judges because it needs to satisfy itself, but the heart is always in harmony because it's already satisfied...
A mind that responds from an “I” perspective is selfish because that’s the nature of “I” but a mind that responds from the intuitiveness of the heart is in harmony because it’s the nature of the heart. What happens when one comes from an “I” perspective is it interrupts the harmony one has with life. “I” is the creator of itself and all that manifest from this creation is done so to satisfy itself. It’s what I does, this isn’t right or wrong, it’s just “I” doing what “I” does.
Whether it’s I’m right and you’re wrong, or it’s some behavior that's there to strictly satisfy some inner justified desire to fulfill itself, “I” is a harmony stopper. It’s the nature of “I” to do this, it can't help itself because of how selfish and self centered it is. When one begins a sentence with “I” they should stop because not much good can come from here. It’s just the way “I” is; there's no harmony when “I” is involved.
So in a world where “I” is exalted, how does one go beyond it to a place of the heart? From my experience this isn't a doing because it would be an “I” doing, it’s a state of grace that happens when you can just be. This is the true essence of life where ones heart is in harmony with all that is. It’s the place where the so called imperfections of life are perfect because there's isn't judgement. Only “I” judges because it needs to satisfy itself and only the heart has harmony because its already satisfied...

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