Serving Humanity

The mindset that’s in place is what determines what a person brings to humanity. Serve yourself and serve one or serve others and all of humanity will be served…

There are two mind sets that a person will use to live. One is to live life through a self serving mind. The self serving mind only uses things to satisfy the self; it’s pretty cut and dry how this mind works. Whatever is used in this mindset is used to only benefit oneself. There isn’t much unity or love here. Granted most people aren’t under the spell of a self serving mind all the time, there’s usually fluctuation between the two; they can’t be in place at the same time. At any given time the mindset will either be one or the other, the more the mind is conditioned to self serve, the more time one will spend thinking about and doing things only for themselves. This is a very selfish way to live, but it’s how so many have been conditioned to be. To break this spell it has to be realized this mindset is in place. If it isn’t, you will remain under the control of a self serving mind.

Let’s now look at the loving kindness serving others mind and how this mindset encompasses all of humanity. It touches the entire Universe because that’s its source. This mindset isn’t self created or sustained by doing, it’s a direct result of being aligned with Universal Love. The loving kindness mind is the Universe. When this is your mindset there’s unity and joy  It has to be this way because love only comes from love. It sustains itself, serves many and is a benefit to all. So the mindset in place is what determines what a person brings to humanity, so serve yourself and serve one or serve others and all of humanity will be served…

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