Process of Love

Peace is a by product of the process of love, it isn’t something that can be forced to happen. It will only happen when you trust the process to produce it as opposed to trying to force it…

We can try and force things to happen in our life, or we can trust the process. Trusting the process produces much different living arrangements than forcing it. Instead of the constant tugging there is a certain ease when you trust. The tugging is produced directly from trying to force things. Trusting the process produces the opposite, but both are within your grasp. It’s a matter of what you truly want in your life.

You will know what you want by what it is you pay attention to. The things that you pay attention become the base of your life. If you always pay attention to wanting the pleasures of life than self serving energy will be your base. If you always pay attention to how can you bring more love into the lives of all beings than that energy will be your base. To be free of the self serving mind is to stop trying to force peace. To cultivate a mind that looks how it can love more produces a life that’s based in trust. When you stop trying to force your peace, that’s when you we will be at peace and it’s because peace is a by product of the process of love, not of your desires…

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