Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 05/01/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am enriching my life with awesome people, great adventures, memorable events, and loving relations! I am enriching my moments with fun-loving people, supportive interactions, and positively awesome relationships! I am looking forward to the good stuff and great memories with the better version of myself..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Inspiration Tuesday~ 04/30/19

A bit of inspiration today to remind us of how good we have it and a reminder of how bad we could have it! Another reminder that everything is temporary as change is the only constant in our lives. Enjoy while you can, make the best of it all serve your greater interest, and move forward as the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. Do more than survive, but thrive on love and strive with optimism.

We determine how we live and continue regardless of situation and circumstance. We either move forward for better or for worse regardless of our past. Empower through as your blessings continue... CHEERS~

Source: Examples of Inspiration, Aspiration and Motivation~

Instilled Conditioning

We are all imperfect beings simply doing what we have been conditioned to do. We all do the best we can with the conditioning that has been instilled in us…

Not many people ask themselves why they are the way they are; and this is because the mind isn’t developed to look inward. Some conditioning is down right nasty, but it’s still conditioning just the same. Whether a person is conditioned to be a drug addict, a murderer, a CEO of a company or whatever, everyone is just doing what they’ve been conditioned to do. There is no one who hasn’t done something they knew wasn’t beneficial to themselves or anyone else, yet it was done anyway, that’s all just part of the Conditioned Mind.

When you understand your own conditioning, you’ll be able to separate people from their conditioning and love them anyways because you know it’s the conditioning and not the person that does what they do. To me if there’s an evil in this world it’s the Conditioned Mind with all it’s attached “I” nonsense; goodness comes from non judgement. When you can see this, you’ll be well on your way to a deeper understanding of life. You’ll understand how not to judge and when you’re without judgement, you’re free to love unconditionally. It is then that you will understand the Conditioned Mind and only see the log in your eye and not anyone else’s…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/30/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not allowing myself to be swayed from my interests, from those I enjoy, and from where I desire to be! I am not allowing myself to be deterred from my desired future achievements and accomplishments! I am doing what's best for me, my life, and my future..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Healthful Monday~ 04/29/19

Here is today's Healthful-Amusement to improve your healthier choices and lifestyle for improved well-being, as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info to better care for yourself to continue your awesomeness. Continue better caring for your health and well-being for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~

Source: Healthful Amusement~

Nothing More...Ever

There’s never anything missing in your life that isn’t created so there’s never a true need to rely on anything from outside yourself. Until this is realized you will continue to think something is missing…

Every time you reach outside yourself for a specific issue and believe you are this or that, you think there’s something missing. Same when a person goes to see a therapist, or there’s reaching for another self help book, or any other type of outside help is sought, it’s all done because of the belief (applied label) that something is missing. When this is done all you’re doing is reinforcing the attachment to that label, keeping yourself attached to the thought that something is missing; this exist only because you yourself have applied the label. Whether or not this label is applied is the difference in breaking free from your suffering or remaining trapped to it. Some of the things mentioned do have value if they’re used at certain times in the your life, but if they’re being held onto as an end to a means, they lose their value as something is missing becomes attached to.

Not many will see exactly what I’m talking about here, but I’m writing it because it’s what I experienced after many years of thinking something was missing, and I tried to find out what it was with things from the outside. I have found the very things that I was using to find what was missing is what kept me in bondage; regardless of what was being used. Why I thought something was missing is what I needed to find out because it didn’t truly exist and since it didn’t truly exist, why was it there? To me if something from the outside is needed to live life, something isn’t right. If I can’t just be with myself without the reliance on something outside of me, I have to ask myself why is this so. There’s never anything missing in your life that isn’t created so there’s never a true need to rely on anything from the outside. Until this is realized, you will continue to think something is missing and thus create your own suffering…

How to Feel Young In Your Golden Years - Age With Charm

How to Feel Young In Your Golden Years - Age With Charm

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/29/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I must better my future by greatly creating positive effective beliefs, thoughts, and habits! I must better my future by having a better attitude, better ideas, and better goals! I must be the one to empower me, to motivate me, and encourage me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/28/19

Gratitude check today! Here to assist you and remind you of your blessings and everything else you're thankful for and those you're grateful for everywhere in between as a great day continues~

Remember, positive thoughts for positive results!

CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...

Source: Gratitude Check~

An Unclouded View

On a cloudy day if you take a plane and go above the clouds, you will see it is always clear. When a person awakens, they awaken to what was and is always there; an unclouded view…

No one is born with the conditioning to reach for something to make themselves fell better. That’s instilled from an early age all the way through adulthood by a society that doesn’t understand the Conditioned Mind. Everyone starts their existence free of the clouds (thoughts) that distort the true essence of their existence which is clear; no obstructions. What it means to awaken from a clouded view (thought filled) is to see beyond the clouds and realize it’s always clear. What this means is the sky is always clear even when there are clouds. If you take a plane and go above the clouds you will see this. When a person awakens they awaken to what has always been there; the unclouded view.
Clouds are simply formed from conditions, without these conditions the sky (as are we) is clear.

Nothing is ever done to make it clear, simply the conditions don’t support the clouds so they dissipate and hence it’s clear. Because there isn’t awareness of this what happens when a thought arises is it gets attached to which makes your view cloudy, the more the thought is attached to the cloudier the view; for some all they see are clouds. If you could just see the cloud (thought) arise and not attach to it it would just go away without any more clouds blocking out the clear sky; in this case your true essence. Emotions, feelings, and an array of other attachments only arises because the clear sky isn’t noticed. When it’s noticed there’s a connection with all of life which is the reality of what is (clear sky) not being blocked by clouds that are only there because of the condition of attachment…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/28/19~ 

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am blessed with another day to do as I please for the betterment of my life and my future! I am thankful for another day to enjoy myself, enjoy those I love, and enjoy what interests me! I am not limiting myself to what I know, to where I am, and to who I am..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Wellness Saturday~ 04/27/19

Here is today's Wellness Assistance to improve for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care of yourself to continue your awesomeness. I hope this helps in better caring for your health and well-being for better moments today and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~

Source: Wellness Assistance~

Worldly Enticements

The understanding of being human won’t stop the world’s enticements from grabbing you, but it just may at times stop you from being lured in which allows the control of being human to dissipate somewhat…

There are many worldly enticements that are based in being human which constantly arise to lure you in; and they will lure you in as long as you are in this human form. How deep the enticements grab hold depends on your conditioning. Even with knowing what I know about the Conditioned Mind there is still the lure of being human that catches me at times. Fortunately the hammer was put away a long time ago that was used to beat myself up over doing something that my own mind tells me to do; this is just being written as the awareness aware of awareness. If you think you’re going to get to a state where being human is totally transcended that’s wishful thinking and it’s also your bondage. If you do get there wherever there is, please share it with us, but we won’t hold our breath.

Human form should be embraced as it is, not as it’s wanted. This is not an excuse to just go around succumbing to selfish energy whenever desires arise, but to awaken to the awareness that this is even happening is a miracle in itself. It seems sex and food are two things that have deeply engrained conditioning associated with them and it’s why there are so many diets out there; it’s also why both diets and porn are billion dollar industries. Diets and sex sell because it hits most at the human (carnal) level. Food and sex are not to be loathed because few will have the ability not to be controlled by them. To me you can only be aware of the selfish energy associated with these as they are reached for to fulfill some inner want. This inner want is at the core of being human and it needs constant fulfillment in some way. The understanding of this won’t stop you from being enticed as the world is based in the being human, but at times it may stop you from being lured in which allows the control of being human to dissipate somewhat…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/27/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am keeping it on the positive side of my outcomes, results, and moments for greater days! I am practicing more positivity, thinking more optimistically, feeling more appreciative, and communicating more respectfully for greater success! I am being more positive..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Self Help Friday~ 04/26/19

Today, a quality reminder to move forward with a quality self!

This here is to assist you upon being the best version of yourself while striving to enjoy a quality version of life you desire to remember in the flesh.

Keep going and empower through... as a great day continues~

Looking at What's Done

Our struggles with life are from a very deep place that goes beyond the level of what’s seen; they arise from the structure of how we think. If you don’t understand why you do what you do, you will never do anything different…

Changing the structure of our thinking patterns is like turning a large ship, the intention to turn happens right away, but the turn itself happens gradually. It’s as though we know we need to start turning right away, but we don’t know why it takes so long. Here’s a simple uncomplicated suggestion, if you want to break free from the deeply engrained mind patterns, when you do something, look at why it was done. No need to go back and look for a traumatic incident, why it’s being done right now is sufficient.

When the need to reach for something arises it’s because life doesn’t go your way. If you don’t look at why there’s reaching, you’ll probably just be distracted by it. By doing this you’ll never be free and this is because you’ll never understand why the reaching was needed in the first place. Looking at why you do this or that is the most important thing you can do for yourself, especially when something is done that’s not in your best interest. If you don’t, look what is done you will just substitute one thing for another and in the process remain trapped to what’s causing the need to reach. You may not like this post and you may even ignore it, but don’t be surprised when you find yourself reaching for something, you just won’t understand why you’re doing it…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/26/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am doing whatever I can to better my circumstances, better my outcomes, and better my situations for a greater life! I am doing what is necessary of me to enjoy my life, enjoy my moments, and enjoy my circumstances for a better me! I am empowering myself, encouraging myself, and motivating myself for the better..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Mindful Thursday~ 04/25/19

Here is today's Mindful-Amusement to improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management, as your great life continues~

Don't settle for less knowing there is more for you! More to better yourself for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow. Self~love, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~

Source: Mindful~Amusement~

Arisen Feelings

Feelings will arise simply because to feel is part of being human, but taking them to the next level to form a story is when the arisen feeling is attached to and believed it needs to be different…

If it’s not learned to just be with your arisen feelings, they will control you. This is because the conditioning of the mind wants to push the feeling away and change it. How this works is, let’s say someone says something to you and you tell yourself you don’t particularly care for what was said, immediately there’s attachment as there’s the feeling of not caring for what was said. Where there’s attachment there’s the tendency to react the conditioned way you always react when someone says something that’s labeled “not cared for”. This is done again and again because of the conditioning in place. Someone says something you don’t care for and you wind up saying something back to them. What you do is take their dissatisfaction and make it your own and then you throw your dissatisfaction back at them. Now basically you are at war.

Feeling aren’t right or wrong, there’s very little facts as to why they arise. The main thing is to allow their energy to remain flowing so it doesn’t get bottled up and form a conditioned story. These stories are formed by attachment to mind patterns that change a simple arisen feeling into a novel; the novel being the arisen feeling needs to be changed. It’s not true any feeling needs to be changed, but that’s what the conditioned energy does, it makes you believe a feeling is unpleasant and a pleasant one would be better. This energy wants to push away the arisen feelings because it doesn’t understand they aren’t right or wrong, they are just what’s there and you don’t have to attach to them…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/25/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am doing it right for a greater life, for a greater future, and for greater satisfaction! I am doing it better for my sake, for my bliss, and for my fulfillment! I am doing what greatly interests me, what greatly impassions me, and what greatly amuses me! I am enjoying the present as much as possible..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Encouragement Wednesday~ 04/24/19

You have within you an unlimited amount of goodness. The fact is, there is no limit to how good, great, and better you can be, do, and have! From how much good you can do to how great you can be to how much better you can have. Furthermore, you can accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set forth to attain. Today, I share with you just a bit of encouragement to assist you in your direction for ideal outcomes and desired results as a great day continues... Stay on course; Keep going; Remain on point; Forge ahead; Empower through until satisfied; Make it happen!

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

Source: Encouragement~

The Blame Game

Unconsciousness is always supported by unconsciousness and because of the subtleness of this unconscious energy, this results in playing the blame game without the ability to truly look at yourself…

The Conditioned Mind supports unconsciousness and regardless of the spin that’s put on it, this energy only allows the blaming of others. I post many articles which activates many triggers for people that leads to name calling and finger pointing. All I do is post my experience, I’ve been called a “wanna be” amongst other things which doesn’t really concern me, but it does sadden me because the source of the name calling and pointing is from the unconscious energy that is destroying our society and planet. There’s very little understanding of what the Conditioned Mind is so there are many that blame others along with other associated unconscious behavior. This energy has been in place since man started thinking, it’s why humanity is in the dire straits that it is, but understand this isn’t life doing anything, it’s the unconscious energy that one emits out and lives by.

What is seen is seen and it matters little if it’s agreed with or not. I write and that’s it. Nothing is ever written to be anything. If I’m a “wanna be” so be it. If what is written doesn’t resonate with you, move on. Go and latch onto someone who fits in with your conditioned behavior. There’s never a claim to be anything, there’s just writing that arises. There’s no need to blame others because the conditioning is seen for what it is, and it will be called as it is seen. There’s so much energy that’s not only dividing our country, but it’s dividing all of humanity and although you may not agree with what is written, I will always write what arises in me, only because I have to as it is simply what’s in place…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/24/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am changing my outlook on things, events, and my adventures for the better! I know I benefit more with my positive attitude and perspective versus the opposite! I rather make the best of my life and my moments serve me better..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Inspiration Tuesday~ 04/23/19

A bit of inspiration today to remind us of how good we have it and a reminder of how bad we could have it! Another reminder that everything is temporary as change is the only constant in our lives. Enjoy while you can, make the best of it all serve your greater interest, and move forward as the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. Do more than survive, but thrive on love and strive with optimism.

We determine how we live and continue regardless of situation and circumstance. We either move forward for better or for worse regardless of our past. Empower through as your blessings continue... CHEERS~

Source: Examples of Inspiration, Aspiration and Motivation~

Only One Side

Thoughts are what makes you think the other side has greener grass, but there really isn’t another side, there’s only one side which is the space between the thoughts of the so called other side…

The shift that occurred in me eleven years ago which allowed for a different perspective of my life views, was one that simply created space in between the constant mind chatter; this chatter is the controlling aspect of the Conditioned Mind. The space was created not by having answers, but by not needing answers. When I shifted it was the first time in my life or at least since I was a child that for one millisecond the thought of needing answers wasn’t there, this is what created the space so instead of reaching for something to fix me (answers) I was just being with life. I will never forget when this occurred because in that precise moment there was a peace that although it wasn’t understood, it was welcomed with open arms and the space of an open mind.

This is how it began and what happened that allowed the needed space for the constant mind chatter to subside. This space has been increasing ever since as my mind becomes less and less distracted by Conditioned Mind lies. A person can’t do much to make this happen, but if there isn’t awareness of the way we have been conditioned than nothing will ever change. Maybe there isn’t anything that can be consciously done for the initial shift to occur, but in a way it occurs because in some way you’re ready for it; at least that’s how it was for me.

There are many different labels as to what this space is called, but to me there isn’t a need to label it anything. I have discovered that in the space of non labeling is where peace is experienced. Life really isn’t about anything in particular unless there’s a you who wants to label it as so and as soon as this is done attachment to this label makes life about something external to follow. Your conditioning takes on many forms and it’s true that it does subside by doing nothing, but doing nothing is very difficult for a mind thats been conditioned to do, especially if there’s the constant mind chatter of the other side having greener grass…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/23/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am supporting and encouraging more positive thinking, positive talking, and positive believing for a greater benefit! I am supporting and encouraging more loving, enjoying, and playing for greater memories! I am supporting and encouraging greater moments..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Healthful Monday~ 04/22/19

Here is today's Healthful-Amusement to improve your healthier choices and lifestyle for improved well-being, as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info to better care for yourself to continue your awesomeness. Continue better caring for your health and well-being for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~

Source: Healthful Amusement~

The Hold of "I"

The subtleness of “I” is what causes you to hold things unknowingly. Watch your thoughts and see how most arise from “I”. This can change, but “I” is so subtle that it will most likely continue to control…

“I” holds on, without “I” there’s no holding because there’s nothing to supply the source. “I” is the base of holding onto something so when it’s removed the source of the holding is removed. There can’t be holding on without something there to be adhered to and that’s where “I” comes in. The thing about this is it’s so subtle that few recognize it and hence it continues to causes suffering. Watch your thoughts, see how most of them arise from “I” when this is seen it can be changed, but it’s so subtle that “I” will probably just continue its control.

It needs to be investigated why this “I” is developed in the first place causing you to hold on to the past. Most of your holding on is done because “I” wants the present moment different. “I” constantly searches for something pleasurable and it makes you believe pleasure is needed. “I” is formed from the way you’re conditioned and that’s why people seek things they think will bring pleasure. What’s unfortunate about this is many of the things only seem to bring pleasure, upon further review they really cause suffering, but this suffering is not in the pleasure sought, it arises from “I” and that’s what causes the suffering. No matter what happens in life, if it’s viewed from “I” it will in some capacity cause suffering. So subtle is this that most will remain blind to the fact that “I” is in control and unfortunately because of this you will never be free…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/22/19~ 

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself: 


"I know I can do better! I want to do better! I am striving to do better! I know I have the power to better my livelihood, better my circumstances, and better my life! I am empowering myself for the better, to achieve for the better, and accomplish for the better! I am bettering my future..."

to continue a greater life! 

Great day to you, as a great day continues~ 

Edward F. T. Charfauros 

Life Guide and Author 

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Gratitude Sunday~ 04/22/19

Gratitude check today! Here to assist you and remind you of your blessings and everything else you're thankful for and those you're grateful for everywhere in between as a great day continues~

Remember, positive thoughts for positive results!

CHEERS~ to your great life continuing...

Source: Gratitude Check~

A Way to Light

Everyone is born of light, it’s the conditioned mind that keeps one in darkness. The teachings of Jesus show us how to love so we can see this light, but many ignore these teachings and remain in the dark…

We live in a world designed for darkness, not evil, but darkness, there is a difference. Just because a person is unconscious doesn’t make them evil. If you look around, the self centeredness of our world is rampant. People go out of their way to deny Jesus’s teachings of love and thus they deny themselves love’s light, but it’s only because they’re unaware that it’s their own darkness that blocks them from seeing the light. If there is an evil in this world this is it.

Jesus pointed and gave us a way to our own heart through his love. He gave us a path to the Father (Universal Love) through his love for us and this is a path to our own inner light. Ignore this if you want and remain in the conditioned darkness, but understand you not only bring suffering to yourself, but you bring suffering to all humanity because darkness keeps one from spreading the light to others, and although Springtime and Easter are synonymous with renewal and light, it will only be when unconditional love is truly understood that one will see the light…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/21/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not forcing events to happen, forcing situations to occur, and forcing outcomes to be realized! I am not allowing myself to physically stress about what is not in my control and not mentally stress about what is in my control! I have faith that it will all work out in my favor, work out for the better, and work out for my greater benefit! I am staying positive..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Wellness Saturday~ 04/20/19

Here is today's Wellness Assistance to improve for healthier well-being and lifestyle as you're meant to live as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info for better care of yourself to continue your awesomeness. I hope this helps in better caring for your health and well-being for better moments today and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~

Source: Wellness Assistance~

I AM...

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/20/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not making my life worse because I am making it better! I am not thinking negatively because I am thinking positively! I am not hating my life because I am choosing to do what interest me, be in places that interest me, and enjoy those who interest me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Self Help Friday~ 04/19/19

Today, a quality reminder to move forward with a quality self!

This here is to assist you upon being the best version of yourself while striving to enjoy a quality version of life you desire to remember in the flesh.

Keep going and empower through... as a great day continues~

Restricted Choices

Going through life without an understanding of the tendency of how your mind defaults to ”I” makes this existence much more difficult because it restricts your options and restricting your options restricts your choices…

The cause of all suffering is revealed when we are able to see our thinking for what it truly is and understand how it creates feelings and emotions based in a delusional “I”. They feel real because of what our association is to them, but their reality is directly related to our thinking and the association to “I”. When this is revealed and we disassociate with this kind of “I” thinking, we become more aligned with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe which to me is love, and love is what gives us so many more options in life.

When we stop believing in the nonsense of the self created world conjured up by “I” thoughts, we learn how to allow love to be our guide. This is when we will be able to see our thoughts for what they truly are, disassociate them from who we are, and separate the ones that restrict and cause suffering. To see “I” thoughts aren’t beneficial to anyone is when our suffering ceases to exist. This is not some belief this is factual, and I know this because it’s my direct experience. A thought cannot restrict and cause anything unless it’s given the energy needed to do so and this energy is what determines if the thought restricts or not. The more it restricts, the more control it has over you. In the awareness of this is your freedom. It’s your own ignorance of this that creates your suffering, and the suffering is caused by going through life without an understanding of how the mind works because it restricts your options and with restricted options you have restricted choices…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/19/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I know the possibilities of success for the desired results and outcomes I desire to achieve and accomplish in my life are limitless! I know the opportunities to achieve and accomplish with my life are boundless and plentiful! I know I will be satisfied if I continue focusing on the possibilities and opportunities with a gratitude attitude, optimistic mentality, positive beliefs, and good emotions! I desire a greater success..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Mindful Thursday~ 04/18/19

Here is today's Mindful-Amusement to improve your self-awareness and improve your self-management, as your great life continues~

Don't settle for less knowing there is more for you! More to better yourself for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow. Self~love, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~

Source: Mindful~Amusement~

The Most Beneficial Tools

Everyone uses the tools they think provide the most benefits or they wouldn’t develop them, but this doesn’t mean they are the most beneficial. If a tool is truly beneficial, it will never ever cause suffering to you or anyone else…

You can only use the tools you have developed to react to situations as they occur. Whatever ones you have developed to cope with life, whether it be alcohol, drugs, anger, programs, tobacco, getting tattoos, therapy, medication, suicide, cutting, fantasizing, success, wealth, meditation, mindfulness, greed, envy, false pride, religion, tv, politics, sex, food, and so on, you only use them because they’re thought to be the most beneficial tools you have. When the developed tools stop working, new ones will need to be developed that are deemed more beneficial. If no new ones are developed, the old ones will be used again and again; this equates to the dog chasing its tail syndrome.

You will know when you’re using the most beneficial tools because they will never cause you or anyone else suffering. What’s meant by a beneficial tool is reflected as love in the actions you manifest. If there is conflict within it will cause conflict with others, so something is awry. A beneficial tool will never cause conflict because that equates to suffering. The gauge to see if the tools being used are truly beneficial is in how much attachment you have to it. Attachment is the cause of all suffering so it’s a true gauge that can be used. Self investigation is also a tool, matter of fact every reaction you have is the result of a developed tool.

A beneficial tool will also never ever cause suffering to yourself or others, this is a fact. It can’t because it’s based in the quietness of love. Tools that are based in attachment to satisfy yourself cause suffering and this occurs regardless if you think the tool you are using is a beneficial tool. Love doesn’t attach or ever causes suffering, and nor will developed tools, as long as they are the most beneficial ones being used…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/18/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am the owner of my soul and the creator of my destiny! I am the owner of my mind and the creator of my bliss! I am the owner of my thoughts and the creator of my future! I own every aspect of me, my life, my actions, my attitude, my responses, and my outlook! I design my future and create my present moments day in and day out from sun up to sun down from this moment to the next..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

The Cross of Hope

Fox News 2019

Most of us sadly watched the out-of-control fire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday, April 15.  We feared the worst as the blazes engulfed the cathedral, causing the renowned 300 ft. spire to come crashing down through the roof. Notre Dame Cathedral took nearly 200 years to build beginning in the 12th century and was treasured by Parisians and worldwide tourists alike. Yet remarkably, the gold cross at the altar glistens amidst the smoke and ashes. Below the cross, the Virgin Mary laments the death of her Son, as we lament the destruction of such a beautiful treasure built to glorify God.
For Christians, this scene is symbolic of our faith in Jesus Christ, the light of the world, who died to save us from the darkness of sin. The gold cross represents our hope in Him, He who sacrificed Himself to offer us eternal life in paradise. The cross represents Christ’s infinite love for us. It is an image, which encapsulates the essence of our reward for enduring the struggles of this life. For Christians, God always gives us a sign of hope in the midst of devastation.
This photograph also represents our indelible spirit created in the image of God. Deep within us, we possess the potential for pure goodness, which struggles to manifest itself within our hearts. It is the Holy Spirit in us, which desires to fill us with His light, His goodness and His love. It is that indelible spirit of genuine humanity, which we all possess, that illumines our hearts and minds. It is this light which overcomes the darkness of our tribulations, sufferings, and hardships in our lives. “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4). Enduring in faith results in victory, just as the cross in Notre Dame gloriously glistens amidst the smoke and ashes of the fire.
When Christians are baptized, we are immersed in water to crucify the flesh, to die to our worldly selves, so that we may rise out of the water as a new creation in Christ. “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore, we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4). It is this spiritual death that allows our true selves, full of goodness and love, to emerge from the embers.   
That seed of humanity made in the image of God reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Even the irredeemable can be redeemed. We are commanded by Jesus to view our neighbors as Himself. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me…Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:35-40). According to Rossi (2014), “Isn’t that what others are looking for from us, especially youth? Don’t they want us to see and communicate, sometimes without words, the goodness in them that they can’t see themselves.” When we see others as Christ with the potential for goodness, many rise out of the ruins of their lives to become transformed. Rossi also quoted Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh’s homily of August 14, 1983, “Unless we can look at a person and see the beauty there is in this person, we can contribute nothing to him.”   
I have witnessed the transformation among my own students. When I speak to them with respect, appealing to their better inner self, they sit up more confidently. They relax and sometimes theirs walls begin to crumble. At times, their walls may have been built too high or too wide, but with perseverance and consistency, there is hope.
The golden cross of Notre Dame Cathedral reminds us of hope. It symbolizes the spirit of genuine humanity within us that is striving to be set free. We look beyond the devastation of suffering others have endured, beyond their pain and anger. We communicate goodness and love, compassion and generosity. Rather than judging we empathize. Rather than complaining about circumstances in our own lives, we focus on the blessings. Rather than running from our hardships, we enter headlong into Christ with endurance and joy because He has defeated death. The cross reminds us that Christ rose from the dead and that we, too, can rise out of the ashes of our lives.

 Rossi Ph.D., Albert S. 2014. Becoming a Healing Presence. Ancient Faith Publishing. Chesterton, Indiana. pp. 71.

Have a blessed Easter! Xristos Anesti! Christ is risen!
© 2019  Helen Kamenos  All rights reserved

Encouragement Wednesday~ 04/17/19

You have within you an unlimited amount of goodness. The fact is, there is no limit to how good, great, and better you can be, do, and have! From how much good you can do to how great you can be to how much better you can have. Furthermore, you can accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set forth to attain. Today, I share with you just a bit of encouragement to assist you in your direction for ideal outcomes and desired results as a great day continues... Stay on course; Keep going; Remain on point; Forge ahead; Empower through until satisfied; Make it happen!

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

Source: Encouragement~

Pleasure Seeking Hunger

Although the pleasures of the world take on many forms, it’s the hunger of the mind that makes you seek them. This hunger can only be satisfied in stillness, because when the mind is still, the heart has no hunger…

The main aspect of the Conditioned Mind is how it’s in pleasure seeking mode most of the time. Even when you put yourself down, it’s a perverse form of pleasure. The mind wants to keep all the pleasure thoughts and discard the non pleasurable ones, it spends most of its time doing this. Whether it’s weaving in and out of traffic, only to catch a red light and have all the cars that you just passed pull up along side you, or doing something and asking yourself why did you do it, the reason any of this done is to satisfy strictly some form of pleasure. That your own mind questions why you do whatever it is that you do is how diabolical it is, but understand it’s only this way because of the way it has been conditioned.

The hunger of the pleasure seeking mode is not one which is in our best interest, but the Conditioned Mind doesn’t really care about that; that it’s in control is all it cares about. It makes you think seeking pleasure is a necessity, but when the mind starts to settle and loses its hold, you will see the fallacy of this. True pleasure is in stillness, not in things, and the pleasure of stillness is not the same pleasure that the world provides. The pleasure of the world is based in lies, the pleasure of stillness is based in truth. The hunger of seeking pleasure is of the world, this is the hunger the world creates, but it cannot ever be satisfied by the world. It’s only in stillness that this hunger will be satisfied, not because it’s given something, but because in stillness there’s no pleasure to satisfy so hunger never materializes…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/17/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am determined to improve myself, my life, and my future by every positive means necessary! I am determined to increase the amount of good happening in my life, the amount of good I am doing with my life, and the amount of good I am attracting into my life! I am determined to succeed for the better, not to worsen..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Inspiration Tuesday~ 04/16/19

A bit of inspiration today to remind us of how good we have it and a reminder of how bad we could have it! Another reminder that everything is temporary as change is the only constant in our lives. Enjoy while you can, make the best of it all serve your greater interest, and move forward as the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. Do more than survive, but thrive on love and strive with optimism.

We determine how we live and continue regardless of situation and circumstance. We either move forward for better or for worse regardless of our past. Empower through as your blessings continue... CHEERS~

Source: Examples of Inspiration, Aspiration and Motivation~

"I" Addiction

If it wasn’t for the attachment to “I” that creates bondage, addiction would be non existent because the desire of an “I” self needing life to be in some other way would not exist…

Each day most of our waking hours are spent trying to arrange the day to the liking of “I”, the only problem with this is most of the day is wasted trying to arrange our day to the liking of “I”. This happens because we have been conditioned to believe there’s a needs for things to be different. This conditioning keeps the mind addicted to “I” which creates a constant need, and when the mind needs it will use whatever tools it has developed; not so much to quiet the need, but more so to distract from it. The distractions in this case manifest as “I” based Conditioned Mind Patterns that are constantly trying to arrange life by using whatever “I” deems necessary to satisfy itself.

If it wasn’t for the need to satisfy “I” the desire to want life to be in some other way which is caused by the mind of “I” wouldn’t exist. This need is the cause of the constant rearranging of life and it’s because of “I” needing life to be a certain way, but something would exist without the addiction to “I”, that would be peace; the peace of simply being because the addiction to “I” wouldn’t exist. If you don’t think this is true, it’s probably because of the addiction to “I” that’s not allowing your mind to settle so you can be aware of the peace that passes all understanding. Go beyond the desires brought on by “I” wanting things to be in some other way; until “I” doesn’t need, addiction remains so nothing ever changes…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/16/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am liberating myself of all the negative vibes I sense in my life! I am ridding my life of those negatively affecting my circumstances, my environment, and my life! I am replacing negative relationships with loving and encouraging relationships! I am surrounding myself with those kinds of interactions and relations that inspire, empower, and support the best version of myself..."
to continue a greater life!
Great day to you, as a great day continues~
Edward F. T. Charfauros
Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!

Healthful Monday~ 04/15/19

Here is today's Healthful-Amusement to improve your healthier choices and lifestyle for improved well-being, as your great life continues~

Invest in your education and learn more about what energizes you and keeps you going! Here is just some info to better care for yourself to continue your awesomeness. Continue better caring for your health and well-being for better moments of today, an appreciative yesterday, and ideal tomorrow, because you deserve to be that much better, as the world needs you~

Source: Healthful Amusement~

How to Get the Most from Online Shopping - Age With Charm

How to Get the Most from Online Shopping - Age With Charm

Running From Yourself

To accept yourself as you are is your greatest relief because your only real misery is wanting you to be different. When it’s realized you’ve been running from yourself, you will be at peace…

When a person awakens the secrets of the Universe aren’t revealed as many would have you believe, what really happens is you stop running from yourself. The main attribute of not running from yourself isn’t figuring out what life is all about, it’s not being concerned with what life is all about. The running, searching, and reaching, ceases as it’s realized what you have been running from is yourself. It’s a great relief to accept yourself exactly as you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When this is seen the need to run subsides as does the need to be right, and the need for things to be different, especially yourself. This doesn’t mean you don’t move forward and make life more beneficial, but it’s done so in a way that it doesn’t cause the very suffering that you are trying to avoid. When you stop running from yourself, you stop reaching, this occurs naturally. I ran from myself for forty nine years and it nearly killed me.

To see that I was always running from myself was my awakening. It was revealed to me that I could stop and I was going to be okay. This is a beautiful place to experience, it’s the place where the peace that passes all understanding arises. It’s not a magical place for a select few, it’s a place where everyone’s heart dwells, you just have to stop running to experience it. The possibilities when you stop running are endless, there are no blocks here so your creativity arises. No one knows exactly what may arise, but I can tell you this, when you stop running, reaching for things stops and life is lived in the peaceful state of accepting yourself as you are; no more running needed…

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 04/15/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am thriving on a better today because I am living on better thoughts, better talk, and better actions for a better tomorrow! I am thriving in a better version of me today because I am focusing on the good, great, and better stuff! I am counting my blessings, appreciating my moments, and enjoying all that surrounds me that isn't worsening me, harming me, and negatively affecting me..."

to continue a greater life!

Great day to you, as a great day continues~

Edward F. T. Charfauros

Life Guide and Author

Source: Repeat With Me: I AM SUCCESS!