It’s not like quieting the mind is something that just happens. At times it’s naturally more quiet than others, but quietness is not the norm without discipline. Sometimes I have to take a breath and stop what I’m doing, its almost as if there’s a reset button for my mind. I can usually tell a breath is needed when everything in my eyes view has some kind of issue attached to it; sometimes it just has to do with living life and making mountains out of molehills. Understand though I’m not talking about when I have to do something like work, appointments, or certain things that need to be done, when this happens the mind is usually unknowingly busy so it doesn’t really take into consideration it’s not quiet. I’m talking mostly about days where I’m afforded idle time.
Even when an undisciplined mind has what it thinks it needs there are still distractions, and these are in the form that makes you believe all is well, that you’re re accomplishing great feats, at least in your head. Upon further investigation though you find the undisciplined mind is still in control, it is just using distractions as noise. Here’s why, in order to have a quiet mind the present moment has to arise from quietness. It doesn’t mean you don’t do, it just means what you do is from the stillness of the moment, not the distractions of “I” having to accomplish something. The quiet mind is of peace and has the discipline of the Universe behind it. The distracted mind has no such discipline behind it, that’s why there’s usually some form of created drama associated with it. Idle time can be a useful tool in our awakening process, but only if it’s understood how to use your idle time to practice quietness, and this is even if your own mind tells you need to use something as a distraction…

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