No one is born with the conditioning to reach for something to make themselves fell better. That’s instilled from an early age all the way through adulthood by a society that doesn’t understand the Conditioned Mind. Everyone starts their existence free of the clouds (thoughts) that distort the true essence of their existence which is clear; no obstructions. What it means to awaken from a clouded view (thought filled) is to see beyond the clouds and realize it’s always clear. What this means is the sky is always clear even when there are clouds. If you take a plane and go above the clouds you will see this. When a person awakens they awaken to what has always been there; the unclouded view.
Clouds are simply formed from conditions, without these conditions the sky (as are we) is clear.
Nothing is ever done to make it clear, simply the conditions don’t support the clouds so they dissipate and hence it’s clear. Because there isn’t awareness of this what happens when a thought arises is it gets attached to which makes your view cloudy, the more the thought is attached to the cloudier the view; for some all they see are clouds. If you could just see the cloud (thought) arise and not attach to it it would just go away without any more clouds blocking out the clear sky; in this case your true essence. Emotions, feelings, and an array of other attachments only arises because the clear sky isn’t noticed. When it’s noticed there’s a connection with all of life which is the reality of what is (clear sky) not being blocked by clouds that are only there because of the condition of attachment…

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