“I” holds on, without “I” there’s no holding because there’s nothing to supply the source. “I” is the base of holding onto something so when it’s removed the source of the holding is removed. There can’t be holding on without something there to be adhered to and that’s where “I” comes in. The thing about this is it’s so subtle that few recognize it and hence it continues to causes suffering. Watch your thoughts, see how most of them arise from “I” when this is seen it can be changed, but it’s so subtle that “I” will probably just continue its control.
It needs to be investigated why this “I” is developed in the first place causing you to hold on to the past. Most of your holding on is done because “I” wants the present moment different. “I” constantly searches for something pleasurable and it makes you believe pleasure is needed. “I” is formed from the way you’re conditioned and that’s why people seek things they think will bring pleasure. What’s unfortunate about this is many of the things only seem to bring pleasure, upon further review they really cause suffering, but this suffering is not in the pleasure sought, it arises from “I” and that’s what causes the suffering. No matter what happens in life, if it’s viewed from “I” it will in some capacity cause suffering. So subtle is this that most will remain blind to the fact that “I” is in control and unfortunately because of this you will never be free…

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