Have you ever thought I can’t wait until I go on vacation, or if only my boss was different, or if only I could change jobs, my spouse, my circumstances, retire, if only, if only, if only. This is the distraction of the if only mind; a mind conditioned to constantly look out there. This if only distraction tells you things need to be different and when they are you’ll be satisfied. This distraction only occurs because you don’t know how to be satisfied with yourself in the here and now. It’s truly mind boggling how it seems our entire struggle with life is to find satisfaction and we look in all the places except in the only place that it exist, now. When you’re satisfied with the way things are now, no distractions occur and there’s no need to look outside because you have what you were looking for; when you stop looking, you stop being distracted.
Please take the time to investigate this so you can understand the nature of your distractions. There would never be a need for the mind to be distracted if you were satisfied right now. This doesn’t mean you don’t do things that makes life more beneficial, but your sense of well-being shouldn’t be based on anything from the outside. An outside base uses distractions from the world of ”I”. An inside view is based in the eternal, in love, in Universal Energy, and it’s the inside view that doesn’t need to look outside because there’s satisfaction with life right now…

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