I would say the most difficult thing I have done in my life is to learn how to be still in spite of the conditioning in place telling me to do something. To not give in to the mind agitations that tell you to do this, do that, reach for this or reach for that, is so difficult because of the lack of discipline to just be and also the lack of understanding of why being still is so difficult. Even with discipline and this understanding, it’s difficult because of all the influences and conditioning. To be still is not something many master, I’m not talking about sitting in meditation or taking a nap, I mean being wide awake without having to alter your state of being. This wasn’t noticeable to me until eleven years ago because I was never still long enough to be aware of any agitation. I like so many was a slave to the Conditioned Mind.
For some this doing doesn’t seem like much of an issue because the agitations aren’t noticeably destructive, but make no mistake an agitated mind is an agitated mind and one is a slave to it regardless of how productive you think your life is. Without awareness of the mind being agitated there’s the creation of story after story just because the mind doesn’t know how to be still. The base of these stories will be whatever conditioning you have in place. You will do what the conditioning in place dictates, without these agitations being noticed the conditioning is usually based in doing something to satisfy “I”. Even if you want to save the world, who says the world needs saving but “I”. Knowing how to be still allows you to truly be an instrument, but by not being aware of simply being you will not notice that you don’t have to do to be…

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