Each moment simply happens regardless of anything; a projection to make it how you think it should be takes you from how it is. I know people like to say you make life what it is or that most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be, but that can be very tiresome if you need to constantly make the present moment a certain way. Life simply happens regardless of anything, a projection to make it how you think it should be takes you from how it is. This energy doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative because either way it’s a projection of the mind; very important to see this if there is to be true peace in your life. Sometimes things do go the way you think they should be, but that only matters to the Conditioned Mind because it will use it to create the story of how the arisen moment is pleasurable because it worked out your way. Most times the moment doesn’t go your way and hence when it’s not accepted this is when the nonsense of trying to arrange it so it is the way you think it should be begins.
Our projections of how we think the moment should be and the reality of how it is are vastly different; our projections are where most suffering arises from. If you don’t think this is so just watch how the mind gets agitated from something as simple as catching a red light; the projection that it should be green is our suffering. This is true with everything, being with what is actually happening is the only place where you can be at peace and not one single projection of how you think it should be will change that…

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